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If it matters, it produces controversy.

~Jay Greene

After leaving Mr Robertson's office, Raphael and I stood in the hallway.

"What subjects are you-" I started but he didn't let me finish.

"I have an important meeting to attend to right now so we'll do this tomorrow." He told me.

"But Mr Robertson sa-" I started but he cut me off.

"I heard what he said." He started. "I'll be free tomorrow, we can start then."

Not bothering to get a reply he walked away.

"Whatever." I whispered to myself and went to the library so I could do my calculus homework.

"Raphael." I called for the third time.

"What." He groaned turning to face him.

Classes were over and he was with his friends, the same ones who bullied me, going for what looked like practice.

"What do you want." He glared at me.

"It's time for our tutorial." I reminded.

"Ok, I'll meet you there when I'm done with practice." He shrugged.

"That's what you've been saying for the past month." I sighed.

"Well I said it again."

"You can't keep -" I tried to reason but he wasn't having it.

"I can say it a thousand times if I want pigtails." He stated and made fun of the pigtails I had done in my hair.

His friends laughed making me angry.

"Well it'd be better if you had good grades." I retorted.

"What did you say nerd." The smug look that graced his face quickly changing to a glare.

"I-I just-" I stuttered taking a step back. "I didn't mean it like that."

"She thinks she's so damn smart." Marcus spat striding towards me but Raphael stopped him.

"Go to the gym, I'll meet you guys there." He told the group of me that were looking at me with murderous expression.

"Not after what she said, let us handle her." A guy spat charging at me but he held him from getting any closer.

"I said what I said, go to the gym and I'll find you there." Raphael ordered.

Sighing everyone looked at him feeling defeated.

"You better deal with that little disrespectful mouth of hers." Marcus told him before walking off and the other guys followed.

When they were out of sight I finally let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Talk to me like that again I'll let them do as they please with you." Raphael warned.

"I'm sorry." The apology came out of my mouth and a smug look graced his face as he looked down at me with his piercing eyes.

"You should be." He smirk. "Now about our tutorial session, I'll find you by the benches outside the library."

"You can't keep saying that at the expense of Mr Robertson getting mad at me for your poor grade." I poked his chest. "If you won't be attending the tutorial sessions then at least get better grades and remove me from my misery."

"Now why would I do that." He smirked at my desperation.

"Mr Robertson will be on my neck." I whined. "Please."

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