Ch. 3- On the Edge

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 The closer I get to the house, the louder everyone's voices become, I hear laughter, kids shouting, parents scolding kids. etc.

The pack house is relatively the size of a small high school for many reasons. It's two stories my office and Josh's are there, on the first floor, but there is also the large dining hall, event center, training area/gym, kitchen, and upstairs about 8 bedrooms total. When my dad was running things, we used to live here, but once he passed, truthfully, it was too hard for me to stay in the same place as before, pretending everything was normal and take over his role, take over my parent's room etc.

So Josh and I agreed to live in the closest vacant house nearby to have a fresh start, I closed off my bedroom and parents' room so they are not open to the public, but the other 6 guestrooms are if they are ever needed. So is the Packhouse if anyone wants or needs food or really anything, they can come here for it. Not everyone does; some prefer their homes, which is understandable too, but I need to make sure I take care of them as best I can.

I smile and open the door walking in. My nose is immediately hit with the smell of food. Walking into the dining hall, I see about 50 or so of my pack enjoying their breakfast with smiles on their faces. I know I'm not the best Alpha out there but seeing them happy like this is a small thing that keeps me going.

My thoughts are broken when I see a dash of small black hair and a bright pink dress running towards me as she screams out "ALPHAAAAAA !!!!!! YOUR BACK!!!!!!" she jumps without a second thought leaping into my arms. I chuckle as I catch her and spin her around a few times saying.

"Good morning Mira. I see you are full of energy as always, and good morning everyone, I hope breakfast has been enjoyable so far?" Smiling at everyone, they nod and greet me with smiles and nods, a few saying, breakfast is excellent!

I see Mira's mom Rossylin stand and run over to me in a panic, saying, "Good morning Alpha; I'm sorry about her. She seems to have so much energy and no manners compared to the other pups." Mira's face goes red with embarrassment as I set her down slowly, wincing at the pain in my stomach where my stitches are.

Mira speaks softly, "I'm sorry, Alpha; I was just really happy to see you and wanted to show you I lost my tooth last night!" Laughing at her enthusiasm, I give her a high five and say, "WOW, you are growing up too fast. You will shift Sooner than you know it, and I can't wait to go running with you and your wolf!"

Mira blushes and screams something about being excited as she runs off to another group of kids. Rossylin quickly starts speaking to me. "Once again, I am sorry about her, Alpha I really am trying to teach her manners, but it's in one ear out the other, it seems.....also I know you just got in, but Josh said you wanted to speak to some of us is that correct?"

I nod in agreement " Yes, ma'am, I don't want the kids around, so as soon as they head to school, I'm gonna call a meeting for our Advisement team. If you don't mind letting everyone know to meet back in the dining hall around noon, I know it's short notice, but it needs to be discussed sooner rather than later."

She scrunched her brows and nodded her head. "No problem, Alpha, I'll let everyone know; we will meet back here at noon" She bows at me slightly, making me a bit uncomfortable, I know I am in charge, but it's something I'm still not used to other people bowing in submission or adoration sometimes I can't tell the difference.

I nod at her and head towards the kitchen, preparing a thermos of coffee, and I take it straight to my office to begin the day of paperwork and devise a plan to figure out yesterday's events.


I start going through and doing paperwork losing track of time. I sigh in irritation slamming down my pen, there are a lot of things my dad was great at but paperwork and organization were not one of them, Josh's Dad usually was the one to do it with my dad. But poor Josh is worse than I am at this so It's more distracting having him here.

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