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Atsushi tried his best to ignore Akutagawa, although struggled to. When he finished cooking, he lightly began to talk. "Aku, food's ready." Akutagawa began to move away from Atsushi, which even though, made Atsushi feel a little bit sad. Although Atsushi brought the food over to Akutagawa's table, and set it down. The two each took their seats, and began eating. It wasn't long before the two had finished eating, Atsushi having finished first. It wasn't long before Atsushi had decided to make his way back to his apartment. 

Atsushi entered his key into the keyhole on the door, turning it until it unlocked. Atsushi slowly walked towards the living room. Atsushi sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone, it wasn't long before he heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" Atsushi shouted, he swiftly opened the door. "Hello Atsushi-Kun!" Dazai exclaimed, Atsushi looked unimpressed. "Are you here to ask me to do more of your work again?" "Why would you think that?" Dazai sounded as dramatic as humanly possible, Atsushi just stared at him. "Just get to the point. I'm still exhausted as hell." "Fine, I came to ask if you would like to come hang out with me for a bit, it's my way of apologizing for being so loud last night." Dazai rubbed the back of his neck as he recalled the night prior. "Sure, I guess, I don't see why not." Atsushi responded as he saw Dazai's face light up. "Yay! C'mon Atsushi-Kun!" Dazai exclaimed as he grabbed onto Atsushi's arm and started pulling him out of his apartment. "Dazai-San, please calm down, I don't have the energy for this." Atsushi whined as he walked slowly behind Dazai. "You're no fun Atsushi-Kun!" Dazai whined as he continued trying to pull Atsushi. "And I don't give a shit." Atsushi responded as he pulled his arm away from Dazai. "Well someone's in a bad mood." Dazai rolled his eyes, as he began to walk faster, forcing Atsushi to speed up. "Yeah, no shit Dazai-San. You're the one who kept me up all. Fucking. Night." "Well, I hope you don't mind the fact I invited your little boyfriend.~" Dazai teased, Atsushi was just confused, and Dazai could tell. "I'm referring to Akutagawa-Kun." As Dazai finished his sentence, Atsushi could feel his face heat up. "What the hell Dazai-San!? Akutagawa is not my boyfriend!" Atsushi yelled nervously, aware that it looks exactly like they are dating with the way he reacted. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I told Akutagawa to meet up with us not far from the ADA, only about a block away. So, we should probably make our way towards it." Dazai was guarantied that Akutagawa and Atsushi were dating. "Where are we going to go after we meet up with Akutagawa-San?" Atsushi asked curiously, as he had noticed they were getting close to where they were supposed to meet up with Akutagawa. "That's up to you, unless you'd really want me to choose." It was obvious Dazai was planning something if Atsushi asked him to choose. "I'm not sure, maybe we could ask Akutagawa-San where we should go?" Atsushi suggested, Dazai looked at him with a grin. "Sure, I don't see why not." Dazai responded. 

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at their destination, Atsushi's face quickly lit up as he saw Akutagawa, Dazai obviously saw this. They are so obviously in love. Dazai thought as a grin grew on his face. "Hey Aku!" Atsushi exclaimed as he quickly ran up to Akutagawa, quickly hugging him. "see what I mean? Boyfriends." Dazai commented once again. Both Akutagawa and Atsushi's faces grew bright red, although Akutagawa shook the blush on his face off quickly. "Hello, Dazai-San. It is nice seeing you again." Akutagawa was trying to ignore Dazai's prior comment. "Yeah, anyways, where would everyone like to go?" Dazai asked, a grin still remaining on his face as he slowly walked closer to the duo. "Wherever you would like to go, Dazai-San." Akutagawa added with no hesitation. "Don't let Dazai-San choose! I bet you he's planning something." Atsushi whisper shouted, although somewhat failed at the whispering part. Akutagawa nodded to Atsushi's comment, and took back his statement. "We could possibly go to the mall." Akutagawa just thought of something random, as he had thought that Dazai would decide where they would be going ahead of time. "Alright, then the mall it is!" Dazai exclaimed, although you could tell he was thinking of a plan to set the two up. "Catch me if you can!" Dazai began to run away cheerfully. "Of course he has to make me run, today of all days." Atsushi rolled his eyes. "I can carry you if you'd like." Akutagawa proposed bluntly, still remaining with his serious face. Akutagawa didn't wait for a response, rather he just picked him up bridal style and started running off towards Dazai. "Put me down!" Atsushi protested, although Akutagawa ignored everything he said. 

Once the three had made it to the nearest mall, Akutagawa had put Atsushi down. "Once again, boyfriends." Dazai said again. "We are not boyfriends!" Atsushi shouted, once again his face was covered in blush. Akutagawa nodded in agreement with Atsushi. "Sure~" Dazai rolled his eyes, before beginning to speak again. "So, does anyone have any idea of what store we're going to go to first?" 

By the time the three exited the mall, the sun had already set long ago. "Sorry guys, I'm supposed to go meet up with someone, gotta go!" Dazai exclaimed cheerfully as he started walking off. "Please fuck in Nakahara-San's apartment this time!" Atsushi shouted to Dazai. "Alright! You two have fun!~" Dazai winked, Atsushi just sighed. "I question how the hell anyone can put up with that man, let alone date him." Atsushi stated, a hint of annoyance in his tone. Once again Akutagawa nodded. "Would you like to do anything before we leave?" Asked Akutagawa. "Well, I'm kind of hungry." "Let me guess, you'd like chazuke?" Spoke Akutagawa. "You know me so well!" Atsushi was somewhat trying to mock how Dazai would respond here. "Please don't let Dazai-San rub off on you." Akutagawa stated, as Atsushi began to chuckle. This caused a bit of blush to form on Akutagawa's cheeks. "A-anyways, is there any restaurant in particular you would like to go to?" Akutagawa asked, as he turned his head to face away slightly out of embarrassment. "I don't really care to much." Atsushi spoke softly. 

eventually the two had decided on a restaurant not to far from the mall, so as they wouldn't have to walk to far to get back. The two walked inside, and were greeted by a waitress at the entrance. Eventually the two had gotten a table and sat down. "Hey Aku, you wouldn't mind if we go check out this one spot after we finish eating?" Atsushi suggested as he started looking through the menu. "Sure." Akutagawa said shortly. Eventually the two had ordered, Atsushi obviously got chazuke, while Akutagawa got figs and tea. The two finished eating quickly, as it had been quite a while since the two had eaten. Atsushi insisted on paying, although eventually Akutagawa had convinced him to let him pay.

Atsushi had led Akutagawa to a spot in a forest he had heard about, close to the middle of it there was a clearing, which made it perfect to look up at the stars from. Once the two had finally made it there, the both sat down on the grass. "It's so much prettier than from what I heard!" Atsushi exclaimed as he looked around at his surroundings. Akutagawa was struggling to pay attention to anything Atsushi was saying, because his eyes were locked onto Atsushi's face. His eyes shined beautifully under the moonlight, and his smile was just so bright. "Aku, are you paying attention?" Atsushi asked, he got no response. Atsushi tried moving closer to him, before calling his name once again, "Aku! Are you in there?" "Ah my apology." Akutagawa paused for a moment as he realized how close Atsushi was to him, just as he did his face went bright red. "Aku? Are you alright? You're acting weird." Atsushi asked, worriedly. "No, I'm fine." Akutagawa turned his face away. "I'm just not used to you being so close." Akutagawa said quietly, a bright red color also began to spread across Atsushi's face. "Ah, I'm so sorry Aku!" Atsushi quickly backed away a bit. "No, it's fine, I just wasn't used to it." Akutagawa said nervously, as he turned his face back to look towards Atsushi. "Aku... Are you blushing?" Atsushi asked, somewhat surprised, Akutagawa just turned his head to face the other direction once again. "Don't be embarrassed Aku, I actually find your reaction cute!" Atsushi exclaimed as he smiled brightly, Akutagawa could feel his heart beating loudly. After a moment, Akutagawa took a deep breath and turned to face Atsushi once again.


Sorry this took so long once again, I have been really busy with traveling so much. I am pretty sure I am going to wrap this FF up in at most 3 chapters (So most likely over a year until I finish this whole thing) Although don't take my word for it! I will begin writing the chapter right after this literally the second I publish this, because I have a lot of time for the next day or two. 

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