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"Do you remember how the other day you asked me who I have a crush on?" Akutagawa spoke softly, although there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Yeah, I do. Why?" Atsushi responded, curious as to what Akutagawa was getting at. "Would you like to know who it is that I like?" Akutagawa's voice slowly grew more and more nervous. "Of course!" Atsushi exclaimed, although was also growing nervous, hoping that Akutagawa said him. "Well..." Akutagawa slowly moved a bit closer, before finishing his sentence. "I like you, Atsushi." Both of them immediately started blushing furiously. "I like you too, Aku." Atsushi responded, as he slowly wrapped his arms around Akutagawa's neck loosely. The two slowly started moving closer and closer until eventually their lips met. After a moment they both closed their eyes as they melted into the kiss. Eventually, Atsushi pulled away, needing a moment to take a breath. Atsushi smiled softly, this still caused Akutagawa's face to grow red. "I love you, Aku." As Atsushi spoke, Akutagawa's face grew an even brighter shade of red, causing Atsushi to chuckle. "You're really cute when you're flustered, y'know that?" Atsushi added, Akutagawa was not used to being showered with affection like this, so Akutagawa had no clue how to react. "Calm down, I can hear your heart beating quite loudly. You should start getting used to this, or else you'll never survive being around me from now on." Atsushi chuckled as he spoke. "It's not my fault you're so damn cute." Akutagawa stated. "Well, does this mean we're dating now?" Atsushi asked, Akutagawa responded softer than normal, "If you're alright with it, I would love to." "Then that means we're dating now!" Atsushi exclaimed with a bright smile. "Well, it's quite late, we should probably be on our way back now." Akutagawa mentioned, reminding Atsushi of the fact he has work the next day. "But I wanna stay with you!" Atsushi whined, as he cuddled up to Akutagawa. "You have work tomorrow, don't you wanna get sleep?" Akutagawa said again. "I know..." Atsushi spoke with annoyance. "We can meet up tomorrow, alright?" Akutagawa suggests, looking towards Atsushi who still wore a somewhat upset look. "Fine..." Atsushi whined as he slowly began to stand up, Akutagawa following shortly after. The two said their goodbye's before returning back to their individual apartments. 

Atsushi carefully entered his key into the lock on his apartment door. The moment he opened the door, his eyes were met with Dazai laying comfortably on his couch. Atsushi's eyes widened in surprise before he quickly calmed himself down. "Why are you here, Dazai-San?" Atsushi began to lazily walk towards Dazai. "It's simple really, I came to ask about how your date went." Dazai grinned happily as he watched Atsushi's face go bright red out of embarrassment. "It wasn't a date!" Atsushi yelled out as he watched Dazai's grin contort into a laugh. "Don't think I didn't watch the whole thing." Dazai stated with a laugh in his voice. "WHAT!?" Atsushi yelled as his face burned bright red. "Yup! I watched Akutagawa confess to you, and just about everything else that happened!" "Please, don't tell anyone at the agency!" Atsushi pleaded, Dazai just stared at him. "How bad do you think I am? It's not my right to expose YOUR relationship." Dazai wore a mischievous grin, as Atsushi looked at him unimpressed. "You plan to tell everyone at the agency, am I right?" Atsushi stated, as Dazai stared at him surprised, well, acting surprised. "Oh my~ Where do you get that idea from?!~" Dazai tried to act attacked, failing due to his over dramatization. "Dazai, I'm too tired to deal with you right now, please leave." Atsushi said, really just making up an excuse to get Dazai to shut up. "Ah~ You wound me Atsushi-Kun!~" Dazai whined, as Atsushi tiredly began dragging him out of the apartment, quickly locking Dazai out. 

After Atsushi had gotten ready to go to sleep, he had gotten a notification from his phone. Atsushi grabbed his phone off of his bedstand, he saw that it had been a message from Akutagawa. 'Hi' the message read, yes, it was simple, but Atsushi was aware Akutagawa wasn't really good when it came to communication. 'Hi, I was just abt to go to sleep, u?' Atsushi responds, only to receive another message from Akutagawa only seconds later. 'Am I keeping u up?' 'No, u aren't.' Atsushi responded. 'Well, if u were going to go to sleep, I should probably let u sleep then.' Akutagawa responded, this time somehow quicker than the last. Although, that did make sense due to all of the typos. 'Ok, goodnight!' Atsushi message back before placing his phone down on the night stand and drifting off to sleep.

In the morning, Atsushi awoke to the sound of his alarm going off. Atsushi lazily tumbled out of bed as he walked over to get dressed, then brush his teeth. Once Atsushi got to the office, he was welcomed by everyone staring at him. Atsushi quickly was able to figure out the reason, as he glared towards Dazai. "May I ask why everyone is staring at me?" Atsushi asked, even though he already knew. He could see Dazai's grin growing wider by each passing second of silence. After about a minute Kunikida decided to speak up. "We heard from Dazai that you happen to have 'gotten together' with one of the Port Mafia's high ranking members, is that correct?" Kunikida spoke with anger clear in his tone, Atsushi looked around the room hoping someone would come help him. "Well, uh-" Atsushi began to speak before he was interrupted by Ranpo entering the room. "Hello, hello everyone! I see that you're all surprised by the information you lot just received. But please, leave Atsushi-Kun alone. he has his reasons for getting with a Port Mafia member, likewise with Dazai-San."


Ya'll please give me ideas, I've got literally no clue at all on what I should do for the following chapters. Also, my apologies on this chapter being so short. My school has been getting quite chaotic, as well as the fact that I am currently incapable of making any significant updates every other week due to how strict my mother is. I have also been really low on inspiration, so I have been struggling when it comes to writing. 

I might not continue this book past this chapter, but I'll try my best! 

Thank you all for reading this far!

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