Letter to my daughter

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To my baby girl, (read this on your wedding day.)

If you are reading this letter on your special day that means I was not able to make it. I am sorry if I won't be able to walk you down the aisle and meet the man you love, but I'm always here to guide you. I want you to be happy and have your own family. Don't think that your relationship will end up just like ours, because yours is a different one. I may not be the perfect father that every child would want but I did everything to be the best father for you. Growing up in a broken family has never been easy for you so I know you won't let it happen to your own family too.

I love you and you are the only girl in my life. My heart will always be with you, just look up and you will feel me too.


I have asked your Aunt to give the letter that I wrote to the man you love.



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