To the man she loves

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To the man that my daughter will marry (whoever you are),

You are the lucky guy that my girl chose to marry. As you are reading this, I was not able to make it, either I met an accident or got sick. I don't know who you are personally but I know you have a good heart because you are taking good care of my stubborn daughter. I wanted to thank you. My daughter is vulnerable, she'd been through a lot, she got matured in an early age. I trained her to be independent just in case I won't be there anymore. Her mama left us when she was 3, bringing her younger sister with her. That was the last time she saw her mama and her sister. After a year, her mama wrote a letter that her younger sister died due to pneumonia. My world was crashed that time knowing my youngest daughter died without me seeing her, I cried and drank all night, Tin (was 4 that time) came running to me and hugged me tightly and whispered "Papa, I'll never leave you I promise." I never saw a single tear on her eyes that night, she kept it all inside. I still remember I even asked her if she wants to have another mama, and she clearly answered "No, I still want my own mama. I don't want you having another. You and mama only." So I made a promised to myself from that day onwards that my daughter will be the only girl in my life. I tried my very best to be a father and a mother to her. Honestly, it was hard but every time I see her growing up it eases all the pain and hardships that I'm having. She is a priceless gift that God gave me, my precious gem.

Since I am not there to guide you both, I want you to love each other and sort things out first if there are misunderstandings. And if something terrible happens in your relationship, try to talk and settle it first, breaking-up should be the last resort.

Please don't give up easily on her because I know she won't marry you if she doesn't really loves you. I wish you both happiness in life. :)


I hope to have a grandson/granddaughter soon. :)




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