Things finney love

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Finney adore his younger sister gwenny, her real name Gwendolyn Blake. She 15, super bossy but finney always happy she could speak her mind without being ashamed of her living. He's loves his sister smile, her crazy fashion choices, and her preteen wild hair she went through. No matter what Gwen decides to do with her life finney will always be proud,Finney loves his boyfriend Robin Arellano. Robin confessed to finney in elementary, they both was 12 at the time.

when Robin embarrassedly gave me his math homework that I worked on so he won't fail the class and it spell out love. I was slightly confused as I looked over to Robin who was holding a small thing of flower from the grass next to us, "Finn I been in love with you even since we met in pre-k, would you be my boyfriend?" Robin asked, I physically cried " robin...I'm a loser with no money and no parents. How could you love me?" I asked softly but Robin just grabbed my hand " I don't care about all that finn,I love you not for your money but for your head.You so fucking smart and clumsy that I found all that shit cute, remember when you hit your head and bumped into the math teacher and she hit her head?" Robin said laughing as I quickly felt the air shift, it felt more hotter. " the point is I love you and I'm not going anywhere" Robin said to me as I smiled gently, as we shared a soft kiss underneath the playground hidden away from sight.

Robin been with finney when his mom died, when he was getting abused by his father, and when his father left. robin watched all of finney lows and struggles, he watch finney get knocked over and still get up no matter how many times he fall and he always got one thing in his mind ' I can't wait to marry that boy' robin helped in any way he could by watching Gwen, being food over to the house cause finney refuse to bother his boyfriend and his family, and secretly slipping money in the money jar cause finney hate using money that his boyfriend worked for.

Finney has two jobs, he works at McDonald's and Starbucks. School lets out at 2 and he's at McDonald's 3-8 Monday-Thursday and Starbucks 4-9 Friday-Sunday, it's a lot of pressure on finney but his boyfriend and Gwen keeping him going.

Gwen secretly works for tax's turbo and save up her money so she can surprise finney.

Finney been following the schedule since he was 15, bows he's 18 and Gwen is 17. Robin 18 almost 19.

Finney been working his ass off, during school when it's lunch he sneaks off to sleep a lil. He does homework and sort out bills on his break during work, finney is alway stress but he plays the drums to relief some stress. Finney into heavy rock, his mother Mary was in a band when she was a teen called bomb control and she would have been famous if she didn't got pregnant with that asshole, finney admires his mother even from the grave. Even when he saw her cold lifeless body in his parents shared bed she looked beautiful, almost as if she was smiling at me. There was five different kinds of pills bottles everywhere but it was spread out so beautifully, one time finny told Robin about his mother death and how beautiful it looked. Robin just held onto finney and made him promise to never do anything like that and that he would always be there for finney, finney promise and they cuddled for the rest of the night.

Finney loves hearing about Robin friends and the crazy shit they get into, finney loves the face robin makes when deciding the crazy shit they do like billy who his favorite. "He bomb a bitch house with glitter , cause she made a homophobic joke at him" robin said making finney laughing with joy and he went on to talking about the crazy griffin, diva Bruce, and bitchy Vance. Finney never really met Robin friends due to him being busy or never having time after work or on his days off cause he sleeping or taking care of bills to meet anyone.

Finney never miss out of giving Gwen twice the loves she missing. he would always kiss her on the forehead, hugs her gently, or hold her hand just to comfort her. He would never yell at Gwen and always spoke in a soft manner, he loved Gwen. It made him feel like a parent how much he loves her, he nearly cried when she came out as a lesbian to him. He held her that night as her face was buried in her oldest brother chest and he would stroke her hair while silently reminding her " it's okay baby, I'm not mad. I love you no matter what or who you choose to be with. I'm going to always be proud of you" Finney said making Gwen cry harder. They cuddled in the living room that night as they watched tv,Gwen held onto her body as she slowly lost conscious.

Finney loves when Robin speaks Spanish, his deep husky smooth voice sends electric sparks throughout his body. This earns Robin a kiss on the cheek but when finney speak French oh is Robin a lovesick puppy, giving finney butterfly kisses all over his face.

Finney have been with Robin for a long time and they wouldn't want it any other way, they adore each other. They been together for so long sometimes Gwen accidentally calls Robin dad, the first time was when robin was sleeping over and he asked Gwen what she wanted for breakfast and she said pancakes which Robin replied with an "okay" and she tiredly said " thanks dad" which made both them froze and robin smile and Gwen turn red " I said thanks bro" Gwen said running back into her room, that day robin woke finney up in tears " robin what's wrong?" Finney ask confused " Gwen called me dad" Robin said as tears ran from his eyes, finney smiled and laughed as he caresses his lover cheek and plant a soft kiss on his lip.

Side note: gwen not upset his father left them, she's happy. Robin and finney make her feel like she got a complete family.they went to all her school recitals,plays,dance rehearsal, and mores. It felt like a fully family to her and she wouldn't have it any other way

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