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For Gwen it was like any other day, today was finney off day and he was doing the bills as I tired to help but he told me to relax. So I made breakfast for the both of us, it was some simple grits and eggs with a slice of ham on the side. As I was reaching to grab to cups for the orange juice I heard a loud "thud". "Finney?" I called out but there was no answer so I sat the glass cups on the counter near the food and walked over to were finney was sitting and saw his face down with him leaking blood " FINNEY!" I yelled immediately lifting his up and laying him down cocking his head to the side just incas, I quickly called robin praying he picked up.

"Hello?" A voice answer but it wasn't Robin, " is robin there?" I asked as tears started to fall, the realization hit that I would be alone if finney die got to me. " it's for you Robin" someone said as I heard robin voice " hello" he said as I quickly started to explain

Robin pov

"Hello?" I said as nothing but music and laughing was going on, " Robin" I heard Gwen voice. She sounded hurt like he been crying, something was wrong and I felt it " guys, Guys!" I yelled making everyone look at me " turn the music down rn" I said as griffin turned it down " now Gwen what's wrong?" I asked as calmly as I can be " finney just passed out, he was bleeding from the nose and hit his head on the floor. I don't know what to do" Gwen said as everything in me broke, I breath trying to decide what to say next or cry. " I'm on my way Gwen" I said as I quickly hang up the phone " Vance I need a favor" I asked as Vance only nodded.

Vance own a mini van with three rows of seats. As we pull up the the address I gave Vance I immediately hop out. The door was unlocked as i saw Gwen holding finney hands crying as he still passed out it broke my heart, I picked finney up running out as Gwen followed behind shutting the door. I told her to hop in the passenger seat as Bruce open the door the to middle row, I held finney as I hopped in. "Hospital now, Vance" I said as tears started to pour. Gwen was crying as I held finney kissing his forehead praying that he wakes up, as soon as we make it to the hospital me and Gwen at the same time leap out the car running in to the hospital crying and asking for help.

They took finney from me putting him on the bed, nothing broke my heart more than seeing them take him away and Gwen clinging on me for fear life.

As me,Gwen, Vance,Bruce,billy, and griffin sat in the waiting room I held Gwen hands as she slept on my shoulder with tears stains on her face. "Sorry guys" I said voice dry from dehydration, "was that The finney Blake?" Billy asked as I nodded " the boy I been dating since I was twelve years old, this his sister Gwen. She like a daughter to me" I said smiling as I look down at Gwen.

A doctor walked up to us "family of Finney Michael Blake?" She says as I wake Gwen up, "me and him. I'm finney sister and this finney husband" Gwen says as I smiled. "Okay, so he passed out from exhaustion. He in room 131 if you want to see him" the doctor said as we both thanked her and smiled.

"Come on" I said towards the rest, we quietly walked in as Bruce and billy sat in the chairs and Vance and griffin sat by the window. Tears swelled up in my eyes as I walked over to finney kissing him on his forehead "mi amor you have to stop working yourself" I said as I felt someone grab my hands, "Robin, I'm scared. Without finney I have no family left" Gwen said tearing up as I hugged her, " it's okay gwen, I won't let that happen. Promise" I said as she hugged back tightly. "I'm hungry" Gwen said as I smiled "come on I go bring you to get some sonic" I said as I looked at the rest " text me what you want" I told them as I grabbed vance keys who only nodded and left.

"This is so heartbreaking" Bruce said almost on the verge of tears, "I know, I heard a lot about him but I never expect this would be how we would meet him" bill said looking at Bruce. As the four was talking among themselves they didn't see finney watching them already seating up, griffin looked at him as he was smiling back at griffin " hi" griffin said Shyly "hi" Finney said back to griffin causing the other three to look at finney.

Finney eyes lit up in excitement, " you four must be Vance,Bruce,billy, and griffin" finney asked as they nodded " oh wow it's so finally grate to met you guys, I heard so much good things about you guys" finney said smiling brightly as he spoke softly making the four embarrassed by the kind words. "You must be Vance" finney said pointing as the tall one with his mother band on his shirt and a sleeveless jean jacket, Vance nodded " you hair so beautiful, may I touch it?" Finney ask as Vance awkwardly walked over to him as bend his head down to his, finney softy stroking Vance head. Suddenly Vance felt like a little kid, " should I stop?" Finney asked as Vance shook his head no and finney kept going.

The three was surprise because it's not everyday that Vance let people touch his hair or him , not only that he's enjoying it. Griffin ran over to finney and bend his head to him, finney smiled as griffin also storks his head gently.

They was getting to know each other, finney was so kind hearted that they was scared to even cuss around him. Until Vance phone when off playing three days of grace pain, " I love three days of grace" Finney said shocking Vance. "You know three days of grace?" Vance asked as finney nodded gracefully.
Vance smiled as they started talking about which metal band they loved, after they was all talking to finney Robin softly came in. Gwen coming in after shutting the door softly as soon as she noticed finney was up she quickly sat the food on the corner and ran towards the bed crying " you dumbass, you always doing shit when I can help you" Gwen cried as finney gently stroked her hair " if you gone, I'm stuck with no one. You asshole" Gwen said clingy on to her brother. It broke Bruce heard as he started crying, after a few Gwen climb in bed with finney sleep as finney and robin smiled at each other.

"You gave me quite a scare mi amor" robin said as finney only smiled sadly " um, sorry to interrupt but I only knew finney for 3 hours and if anything happen to him I would kill everyone in this room and than myself " Vance said looking at everyone which finney only softly smiled at him "bitc-" robin said as finney cut him off "robin, that's your friend you can't call him that" finney sternly scolded Robin which Vance smirked at as robin wanted to be his smug fade ass

A "Single" Mom Who Works Two Jobs जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें