How jealous they are

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ron: 100/10 this boi gets mad over the smallest things, and you expect him to NOT be jealous??

harry: 8/10 he trusts you, he just doesn't really trust other people

hermoine: 4/10 she doesn't really care that much what others think, and she trusts you 100%

draco: 10/10  its draco were talking about

oliver: 8/10, just like harry, he trusts you just not other people

ginny: 9/10 she doubts that you really like her sometimes

luna: 1/10 its really rare to see luna jealous, she is alone with you most of the time anyway so theres no reason to be jealous

cedric: 8/10 same as oliver and harry, he just doesnt trust other people

georgie: 5/10 he usually has a joking manner so he rarely takes things seriously

fred: 5/10 same as georgie, he doesn't rlly take things seriously

remus: 8/10 he mostly trusts you but he take seeing you with someone else

reggie: 8/10 same as remus, he cant take seeing you with someone else

sirius: 10/10 its sirius, do you even need to ask

sorry i havent published in a while i kinda lost interist in HP but ill gladly do any requests you might have for me

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