Mountains and Harry Styles

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Darjeeling ,2nd December 2022

" No No no this can't be true . This has to be a joke. Like seriously?"  I was  screaming out my heart in the phone  and paced around the room with ultimate frustration.

" I know Shree that this was on your bucket list, but his visit to India that too to Kolkata is a surprise for all of us. You need to calm down" Kiara said from the other side of the phone.

Is she really asking me to calm down?

" It was Harry's concert Kiara! You know how much I love him that too since class 7", with this I cut the call unwilling to speak to her. I was angry would be an understatement. I asked my father not to bring me here but who listens. I am so envious of Kiara right now.  How could I miss Harry's concert that too when he was performing in my hometown? I banged my fisted hand on the table thinking how successfully I have missed the golden opportunity to meet him. "Ugggghhh!!'

It was still snowing . I looked through my foggy window . How beautifully the blanket of snow was stretched over the mountains and fields, as if the place was painted in white. I tried to write Harry on the foggy window when the door of my room opened.

"Is there any problem love? I heard you shouting. And who were you talking to ?" my father asked as I still looked away being angry with him.

" Someone is really in a foul mood. So who is the reason behind that grumpy face?" he asked

" You baba! You are the reason. If you hadn't brought me here I wouldn't have missed Harry's concert. He was in Kolkata and I just missed it."

" That's not a big deal! and when will you stop crushing over that boy ? I can't believe he was in Kolkata. Anyway, never mind dear you can go to his concert next time. You know right that the tea estates and our employees need our immediate attention and you just completed your graduation and most importantly tomorrow is your birthday .What could have been a better celebration than this, among the snow? I don't want you to stay angry with me! I have a surprise planned for you. Now cheer up!" he left with these casual words

I  can't believe my father just ignored my love for Harry and did he just say that it was no big deal? Like why is everyone on a mission to piss me off today? 

Yes my family owned tea estates in Darjeeling since 1934, and it was flourishing since the British rule in India. It never really faced a major setback. Touchwood. This business was passed down over generations. Being the eldest son in the family now, my father is currently in charge of it. He had to often visit this place and travel to other states for this reason. I am my father's girl. All my tantrums and childish whims  are made to my dad and even my secrets are sealed with him. My father is my best friend. Not to talk about my mother, she is a strict one. She is the example of typical Asian parent and an ideal housewife. She has strict principles unlike my dad. All my years I have been trying to fit into her definition of a perfect daughter. But she is unaware of my Harry Styles fantasy. As I come from a traditional bengali joint family I have a huge responsibility over my shoulders. My grandparents are firm too but they are fun at times.  Belonging to an orthodox family isn't easy. Norms were to be followed accurately. But my father was  always easy on me. He has always respected my decision. As a child I was always taught to talk decently, dress gracefully, work with dignity and never question or argue with elders and that my main aim was to study hard and ultimately take over the family business.

 Everything was pre chosen for me. My decisions cannot be executed until approved by everyone. In the beginning my grandparents were reluctant about handing over the business to a woman in future but my intelligence and good record at school cleared away their doubts. I was convent educated in an only girl's school and same for college. Interaction with boys were a nightmare for me!  I had an unblemished record at school and college with good grades. I am not exactly a topper but I am a good student. I am going to turn 22 tomorrow and I am still confused with my career, though I have to take over the family business. That doesn't mean I don't have a dream.  I wish to publish my own book some day and probably direct a good  film in the coming years. Another secret which might surprise you a little is that this hotel is owned by my family. So I have special privileges . Free coffees, grand bedroom, and free food and what can be better than free good food. Not that I am showing off but little bit of flaunting is okay I suppose. That won't do any harm. What surprise is waiting for me ? I sighed to myself. The anger didn't go.

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