A Decision

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31st December, 2022,

Shree's POV

These last five days went in a blink of an eye. Harry has been constantly communicating with me through texts and checking up on me. I won't say that my anger has melted away completely but it has surely diminished. Noah was back and showed me few museums and well known architecture around London and outskirts of London. 

Harry dissuaded me from returning back. He was busy with press conferences and occupied working for his new music album. Although he promised  to take me to Italy and France in few days my doubts were still hitting at the back of my mind.

Today is the last day of the year. Anticipation of what the new year has to offer made my mind restless. Flipping over the pages of my journal I thought of how the year ended so fast. Tonight Harry has invited me to Tattershall Castle a cruise on the Thames. I still can't believe that Harry did that after everything. At first I refused but again Anne and Harry was on a mission to convince me. Celebrated icons all around the world are going to be present and I will definitely feel out of the place .

Harry's POV

Tonight the year is going to end and on this day I never miss the fireworks at Tattershall Castle. I invited Shree to show the stunning fireworks on Thames. I have been communicating with her but her replies were short and one worded. I don't blame her. I shall make it up to her and this was a perfect opportunity. I strode down stairs for breakfast but seeing mom sitting with a solemn face made me worried.

" What's up Mamma?" I asked trying to sound cheerful. She didn't answer just forwarded her phone to me. I looked at her with confusion and took the phone. The screen flooded with my pictures. Not a surprise but what made my heart stop was Shree's pictures. Pictures from the airport and .... And from the hotel. My eyes were in disbelief. It was the pictures from the day when I did the most unforeseen thing. But how did it reach the media? 

" Mom...." I tried to speak but she raised her hand stopping me. The shameful headlines made my jaw clench. " Harry in another relationship", " Recently British Star Harry Styles was seen coming out from hotel room of this Indian Girl" , " Is Harry dating an Indian?"  

There were Shree's pictures and a short video clip that was not blurred was attached to one the articles. It was a five second video where I was too close to Shree kissing her neck. The perspective of the clip showcased how intimate we were. But that's not true. I was .... I shrugged my head in frustration and ran my fingers through my hair .

" You ruined that lovely girl" my mother finally spoke. I looked at her realising it was true. "This news will spread like fire. People won't talk about you because they are used to it but they will surely gossip about that girl. It won't take much time to reach India. How will her parents react? You might not know about the Indian society but I do. They will term her as characterless. What if Shree goes to the press or the police and confront you saying it was you trying to molest her? All these years of your struggle and hard work will go in vain as you will be behind the bars and people won't look at you as the way they look up to you" she explained 

" I don't know how ... how did this clip?" I was unable to form sentence as my mind wasn't functioning. " There is only one way out to save the girl from further harassment" my mother spoke with firmness. " You shall marry her" 

I must be hearing things. She can't be serious. " Mom you are thinking too much. Marrying? That too an Indian. That will never happen" I said almost angry at my mom's irrationality. " I shall go to the press and ask them to delete these articles and that would end the matter for that I don't have to marry some stranger" I continued. 

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