Meeting Scuttle - Chapter 3

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Back on land, Skywalker was feeding the dogs except for one of them which was Tyson the Leonburger didn't want to eat, Treasure looked at Tyson then at her food bowl, and then back at him she used her snout to push the food next to Tyson then she curled next to sleeping next to him the Tyson looked at her then fell asleep next to her Trudy walked through the door  then she looked the dogs who where sleeping and she smiled she took her coat off and placed it on the hanger gently then sat on the couch and took out her computer to do some research

 Lo'ak came downstairs with a book in his hand he sat down next to Trudy and started reading it "Let me guse your back in the fantasy world huh Lo?" Trudy teased him Lo'ak snickered in response as he was still reading  "Maybe it depends on what it is" he said after a pause "Maybe because you're somewhere your not support to then go back to kindergarten" Grace said with a smirk on her face Lo'ak rolled his eyes in annoyance "Very funny Augustine, very funny" Lo'ak said putting the book down on the table then out of nowhere an Australian Cattle Dog [Merle] jumped on Lo'ak licking his face "Azul bájate de Lo'ak, por favor?" Trudy said in Spanish, Blue listened looking at his owner and walking to her with his head on her lap Trudy siled petting her dog 

Outside Miles was standing near the shore waves listening to the sea he picked up a rock and skipped it his tail waged and ears perked up with a smile on his face looking proud he heard a cry something in the distance it was something that looked like a baby dolphin caught in a net he untangled the creature the picked it up and put it back in the water "there you go" he said then the baby made happy noises saying thank you to him then swam off Miles chuckled softly putting his hands back in his pocket and saw the baby and the mom back together swimming freely

Back in the Ocean Jake and Tsirya and Flounder swam back to Mariana "When that shark comes back I'll show him who's boss y-ya, a-and I'll bet him if he ever comes back I'll give in the one-two and show him who boss" Flounder said Tsirya laughed and Jack just smiled in response then a Northern Gannet came out of nowhere Flounder hide behind Jake and he laughed "Flounder it's just Scuttle" Jake said as he swam up to her "yea I knew that" Flounder said Jake and Tsirya swam to Scuttle "Hey is that the Lovely Tsirya and Prince Jake I see how you guys been?" Scuttle teased at them "We're good Scuttle we just go back from the sunken ship" Tsirya said looking at Jake "Scuttle look what we found in the sunken ship" Jake said taking out the items from his pouch "Waw" Scuttle was shocked to know how much stuff they found  

 Jake pulled something out "And we found this mini trident there too" Jake said Tsirya looked at it closely "What is it" Tsirya said "That kinda looks" he responded Scuttle takes it and used its to do her feathers "Thease baby are used when Avatars use for thier hair its called a dingle hopper" she said then a red tropical ghost crab walked was sitting on a rock "Their you both are" the crab said Jake turned around "hey Sebastian what are you doing here" Jake said "well I came here to tell you that you missed something very important,  and your father is not gonna be happy once he hears about this" Sebastian said then walking away Jake had a puzzling face then his eyes widened realizing what he missed "MY CORINATION!" Jake yelled then swam back home as fast as he could Tsirya looked at Scuttle and then back at Jake who was swimming back home then looked at Scuttle "I'm sorry, Scuttle we'll pick up on this later" Tsirya said "Go ahead you kids gotta go we'll set up another day" Scuttle said then swam back up to the surface Tsirya picked up Sebastian and swam after Jake Flounder swam off back home in a cave near the coral reef 

To Be Continued...

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