Part Of Your World - Chapter 4

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Back on land Miles Quaritch was that the RDA Lab Miles saw a woman with a solder suit Miles saluted "General Ardmore" Miles said General Ardmore turned around and did the same "Conal" General Ardmore said they both put their hands down and shook hands "We Exploried most of the ocean to look for a crystal" General Ardmore said  Miles put an oxygen mask on his face then breathed it in the look it off his face and let go then crossed his arms "What type of Crystal?" Miles asked "A crystal, like no other Conal it's called The Heart of the sea" General Ardmore said Quaritch was surprised about the crystal "How many men have you sent down?" he asked curiously "Well.." she hesitated she clicked her tough "about 800 men only some serviced the rest died from getting it" General Ardmore said walking to an empty fish tank filed with water "Well have managed to get it?" he asked, she shook her head "not Rently" she said Quaritch "what's with the tanks General?" Miles said curiously "their for the savages in the ocean known as Sirens or Mermaids or something" She said as she sat down in her chair "Conal don't fall for their tricks their shifty creates who kill the prey in heart beat" General Ardmore said to Miles who was a curiouse about these creatures that she was taking about "I want you to go undercover and see what they do and steal their Gem do you understand?" she asked him Miles nodded "you may be dismissed" she said Miles walked out the base which was in the forest and walked through the woods Miles thought who would know more then he realized who can he ran back to the lab beach house then when he said Lo'ak he breathed and acted like nothing was happening, he walked to the beach Tyson saw Miles and pounced on him making Miles fall back and laugh while his dog licks his face "hey! Yea I missed you to boy!" he said laughing then Tyson got off of him sitting in front of him Miles throw a stick and Tyson chased after it Lo'ak ran to him and helped him up "so you went to the base huh?" Lo'ak asked, "What are you talking about?" Miles said acting like he doesn't know Lo'ak sighed "She gave you a mission to do what Miles you know she only wants power and she doesn't care about the planet like we do" Lo'ak said Miles knew he was right about his boss "it's just a take-out mission is all no big deal" Miles said walking past him making Lo'ak feeling more curious about his friend then shook his head not thinking about it 

Back in the ocean in the Kingdom of Mariana, the view went into the castle, King Eytukan, and Queen Mo'at looked at their son in anger, but King Eytukan was more furious at his son's behavior "You missed your coronation ceremony with your siblings why is that?" King Eytukan asked his son with anger "I apologize for my actions Father" Jake said bowing his head Tsirya looked at Jake, Tsirya swam up, and stood in front of her king "Your majesty we do apologize for our actions this will never happen again" Tsirya said bowing her head as well standing next to Jake "Thank you for your apologize Tsirya, but I'm more disappointed in the prince of the Kingdom of Mariana" King Eytukan said looking at Jake "we went to the sunken ship..." Jake mumbled under his breath  "YOU WENT TO THE DARK DEEP!" King Eytukan yelled at his son "Your Majesty please it was an accid-" Tsirya got interpreted "SILENCE!" King Eytukan exclaimed, "You both know better Tsirya we should expect more from you, and Jake you as well you know each other since you were pups I touch you BOTH better than this!" King Eytukan said then he sighed "Both of you!" King Eytukan said Tsirya and Jake swam away 

Jake looked both ways before entering the cave followed by his friend Tsirya, they both were in the cave as Jake swam throw the cave with things that he collected Tsirya sat down on a rock "You're giving me that look again Jake" Tsirya said swimming up to him hugging him from behind "I know Reya I messed up" Jake said hugging her "an you know I right" Tsirya said letting of him  "but I don't understand what is so bad about the things that make them so unique and wonderful I mean how bad are they?" Jake said as he put his pouch down on a rock  and swam

Jake swam around his stuff and Tsirya followed him and they both laughed "Jake" Tsirya said Jake looked behind him with a smile looking at her "Ya Reya" Jake smiled she swam hugging him and he hugged her back "I love you" Tsriya said hugging her best friend "I love you too Reya" he hugged her they let go of each other and swam off together 


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