Cornal and a Merman - Chapter 5

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That Night while everyone in the kingdom was asleep Jake woke up and got out of bed then swam out of the kingdom then swam up and put his hand in the cave opening Jake felt nervose then he breathed and swam out of the cave opening, he swam under the surface water and swam far away the view zooms out as Jake swims in a crystal ball "Go ahead my child Daddy will never forgive your for what you have done" Somone said minicly laughing then the view zoomed out, Jake sawm through the ocean then without looking he got caught by a net and flowed throw the curtens then he scrached himself then as he swam with the net he hit his head on the rock and made him unconstions then kept washing up on the current and he floted away

A few hours later Jake who was in a net washed up on the beach, Quaritch walked outside in the middle of night to clear his head, he looked at the moon and smiled , Tyson walked in front of him then sniffed the sand and he picked up a sent like no other he ran towards then sent, Tyson then stoped and looked in front of him the he slowly sniffed the creature then Tyson started to bark while Miles was looking at the moon he realized that his dog was barking "Tyson?" he said then he relized that his dog was in trouble "TYSON!" he yelled then he ran towards then sound of his dogs barking then the leonburger stopped barking then saw Quraitch then ran to him licking his face "Thank God your ok" he said in a worried voice he stood up then stated walking away then looked back and saw his dog sitting down "what is boy?" he walked to him then looked at what his dog found Quaritch's eyes widen in surprise he gently walked over to te curture the it started to groan in pain then he gently opened his eyes then groaned then he looked up then hissed at Miles "hey its ok I won't hurt you I'm just here to help" he said calmly, Jake just hissed more in fear then growled "W-what do you want from me" Jake mumbled under his breath "I just want to help you that's all and wait you can understand me?" he asked in curiosity Jake nodded "yea we merfolk can understand you Avatrs" Jake said Miles looked at him then put his hand above his scales "May I?" Quraitch said Jake nodded

Miles put his hand on his scales feeling the softness and bumpyness off them then touched his fin then Jake slapped the other in the face with his tail fine "MOTHER FUCKER! That hurt!" Miles said rubbing his hand against his cheek "I'm so sorry did that hurt" Jake said in a worried tone "What the hell do you think?" Miles said back at the Merman "I didn't mean to!" Jake said trying to help Miles "Yea yea I'm fine I'm fine" Miles said pushing Jakes hand away they sat their for a few moments in silence "I'm sorry for hurting you" Jake said with his ear folded down in guilt Miles looked at Jack and cleared his through "its alright it's not a big deal" he said sitting next to the creature Jake looked at him with a soft smiles on his face Miles then took out his pocket knife Jake looked at him and hissed at him with claws out for defence "Woah woah I'm not gonna hurt I'm just getting this net off of you" he said cutting the net that was on Jack after he cut it he tost it off to the side then when he grabbed the kelp Jack put his hand on the other man's and the looked up at each other Miles stared in to Jack's Saphire like eyes as Jack gazied at Mile's hazel eyes Jack broke eye contact then looked away shelding his eyes "I'm sorry you had too see my hidouse face" Jack said trying to crawl back then Miles grabbed him by the arm the pulled him in closely Mile's used one hand to brush the Mermans hair from his face "your eyes are like saphires mixed in with the moon light" Miles said Jack smiled hiding the blush from his face "T-thank you" Jack said with a soft smile looking at the other "what's your name 'princess'?" Miles said Jack put his hand on the other man's face pushing it away then crawled out of his arms then sat on a rock then looked at the ocean Miles got up and walked to him "Look I'm sorry about what I-" Quaritch said "No it's okay I know you were just joking" Jack interpreted Quaritch looked at him "Hey I said it was okay" Jack said looked at him Miles sat next to him "So where you from?" Miles asked him "the ocean what you think?" Jack said "I don't know Anartica" Miles said "really?" Jack said with a serouise look on his face "what" Miles said Jack snikered a bit

Miles looked at the moon and howled at it Jack looked at him and smiled then did the same they both looked at each other and laughed "Your kinda nice" Jack said MIles nodded then out over were a splash in the water then Jack looked at it then his eyes widdend relising what he heard Jack crawled back in the ocean "hey where you going?!" MIles asked "I have to go home!" Jack said back "we can meet here back tomorrow night" Jack said "yea" Miles's said then he looked at the moon


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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