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"I want teeth cleaned, beds made and bags packed everyone! Chop chop, get moving!" Logan hustled us around the house, urging us to get ready for tomorrow.

A lot has happened since the wedding, which was now exactly two weeks ago.

Jayden moved back out into his flat, although he's round here pretty much all the time anyway. I can tell Logan's itching to move again too, unfortunately for him he's stuck on kid watch for another two weeks.

Sadly my friends left for New York, but not before planning their next flights to come and visit soon.

Caleb even suggested we travel to them, he claimed he wanted to see my "roots" and where I've been the past couple years.

I wasn't so keen on the idea as I can imagine the grim look on my brothers faces in response to my poor living conditions back in New York, our apartment was tiny and we lived in a much poorer area.

Alas, what's done is done and I'm learning to fully focus on the future moving forwards.

My Dad and Natalie are still away, they'll be back in another two weeks. I was quite shocked when I found out they were willing to leave us in the care of Logan for a month, until Caleb told me Mum travels all the time for work.

Plus, it's not exactly like they've been distant. Our family group chat is constantly buzzing with Holiday updates and their latest five star meal, it's seriously starting to get on my nerves.

Isaac's been round a lot, he claims he's here to see Caleb but he always somehow manages to end up wherever I am. Isla thinks he likes me, but I think he's just happy I'm back and is liking a new change, after all he had told me that himself.

Other than that, not much has happened. I've spent my days chilling with my brothers, soaking up every bit of sibling time before school begins and my parents come home.

I can tell the boys are trying to fill in time after missing the past six years, so far we've seen three movies in the theatre, gone to a trampoline park and taken a tour of the best ice cream shops in our town.

I've genuinely had a blast, taking the time to connect with each of my brothers individually.

Caleb was obviously the easiest, we've naturally slotted back into our childish ways. It honestly feels like I've never left with him, I can tell him anything and still feel safe.

Flynn has definitely taken it upon himself to constantly remind me of our age gap, making it known I'm "much younger and should always listen" to him.

It's hard to believe he's much more mature than me with the never ending pranks he's been pulling, it began pissing me of a couple days ago until told me it's how he shows his love and is just comfortable around me now.

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