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As I walked down the road, my stomach started to tingle with slight anxiety and slight excitement. I turned the corner and there it was; my new school. I walked inside, expecting people to talk to me or at least notice me, but no one batted an eye. I shrugged it off as I went to my first class. Well, I tried to anyway. The school was pretty big and since it's my first day, I don't know where anything is. I was going to ask someone for help, but the bell rang and everyone in the hallway disappeared into their classes.

"Are you lost?" a voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a tall, blonde male looking down on me. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight coming from the windows.

"Um, hello?" he said again, snapping me back to reality. I didn't realize I was staring. 

"Oh, hi, umm yea, I am a little lost," I said with a weak smile.

"Well, what class do you have? I can help you find it" he said with a sweet smile. I looked at my schedule paper in my hands.

"Biology with Mr. Krider," I replied.

"Oh sweet, me too," he said, "let's go." he started walking up the stairs and I followed close behind him.

"So what's your name?" the boy asked.

"Keiko, what's yours?" I asked back.

"Kuragari," he replied.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"Nice to meet you too," he said with a wink, my face getting slightly warm. I followed him down a hallway and in front of a classroom.

"Here's our class, you can sit next to me," he said sweetly. He held open the door, motioning for me to go inside. As I walked through the doorway, I looked around at everyone. Some were sitting, some were standing, but almost everyone was talking to someone. Kuragari walked in behind me, leading me to his desk. I sat at the empty desk next to his, which was also next to a window. I stared blankly out of the window but was broken from my daydream when the teacher walked in and started the lesson. 

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