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I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I forced myself up, dragging my feet on the carpet, and feeling the dried tears on my face. When I turned the alarm off, I saw a bunch of messages and missed calls from Kuragari. I felt bad not responding, especially since all his messages were asking if I was okay.

Keiko: Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday

Kura: Are you alright?

Keiko: Yeah, I guess, are you?

Kura: Yea, I just have so many questions

Keiko: So do I. What are your questions?

Kura: Did you not know? How did you die? How can I see you? If you don't mind me asking any of those

Keiko: It's fine. I didn't know I was dead, how I died is a long story, and I don't know how you can see me

Kura: Can I hear the story?

Keiko: I don't feel like typing that much and I'm not going to school today

Kura: Can I come over?

Keiko: What about school?

Kura: I'd rather help my friend than go to school

Keiko: Alright, you know where I live

Kura: I'm on my way

Keiko: Okay

I put my phone down and just stared at the ceiling. I didn't have anything else to do so I just waited for Kura.

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