Part 10

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The car journey home wasn't to long as pretty much all of the girls live within 15 minutes away from the training ground. The car wasn't quiet between Leah and I she asked "how did you find you first session?"
"Yeah it was really good, I think I did well."
"You did. If you keep doing that you'll get a contract in no time." Leah said.
I chuckled "I hope so."

As we pulled up to the apartment block she lives on the 8th floor out of 10. As she opened the door  I walked down the shirt pallets and way met with a pine themed kitchen to my right. Her house was gorgeous and had more than enough space for the two of us.

She showed me where I would be sleeping for the next few nights before waking me to the kitchen asking "what would you like to eat?""It's fine, I'll sort myself out

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She showed me where I would be sleeping for the next few nights before waking me to the kitchen asking "what would you like to eat?"
"It's fine, I'll sort myself out." I responded
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm not starving anyway."
"Alright, I'll warn you I'm a picky eater so there mightn't be much in the fridge or cupboard.

After rummaging around I settled for having some pineapple and a banana. I would've ate something else but when Leah said she was plain she really meant it. I could see from the kitchen that Leah was sat in the living room watching tv so I sat down to join her. "What are we watching?" I asked her
After only a few minutes I could feel my eyelids closing but I was fighting it wanting to continue to watch tv with Leah. She noticed this and said "You can go to sleep you know, we've still got a couple hours until we have to go to team bonding." I happily accepted her offer and immediately drifted off.

I was dreaming for the first time in what felt like ever. I don't know why this was. Maybe I was comfortable or maybe I was just so exhausted from everything lately. My dream was me here, at Arsenal, signing a professional contract age 16. I had my whole family there supporting me and taking pictures but most importantly I had my girl, my best friend, my happiness. Josie. She stood behind the cameramen with the biggest, most cheesy grin spreading from ear to ear. Her laugh presence making me feel like the happiest person on earth. Josie a few weeks later was signed to Chelsea U18 and although rivals to my current club I was ecstatic for her and knew she would progress massively there. We'd still see each other whenever we could and would see each other at the England youth camps.
It was the type of fairytale dream. The dream where everything was sunshine and rainbows, where not a soul in the world was sad. This Disney style dream was brought to a close when I was shaken awake my Leah which I was disappointed about. The dream felt so real, it felt like she was really there. Like she was right I front of me and nothing had changed between us.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned as the sunlight hit my eyes causing me to squint quickly.
"Someone's not a morning person." Leah laughed at me for.
"What time is it?" I grumbled at her
"4:30, team bonding starts at 5:30. I wanted to give you time so shower and get ready so come on."
"What should I wear?"
"Well we're only going around to Katie's apartment. We'll probably play a few games and watch a film so just wear something casual and comfortable."
"Ok thank you"

About 45 minutes later I was all ready but Leah wasn't. We're definitely going to be late especially with the evening traffic. 5 minutes later Leah came running from her bedroom and I looked at her frantic state hinting to me to move my ass into the car. I was wearing some black cargo pants with a white oversized t shirt and white Air Force 1s.

Leah was wearing a blue kind of coloured balenciaga top and white trousers and white and brown shoes

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Leah was wearing a blue kind of coloured balenciaga top and white trousers and white and brown shoes.

Of course when you in a rush every single traffic light is on red and the traffic in the roads was backed up

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Of course when you in a rush every single traffic light is on red and the traffic in the roads was backed up. My the time we actually got to Katie's flat it was 5:52pm.
"Only 22 minutes late Leah"
"Ahaha don't worry about it, they'll rise us about it then they'll forget."
"It's fine I Don't mind it."
"Oh also Katie's girlfriend Ruesha will probably be here. She's lovely but I'm just letting you know."
I nodded and knocked on the door and not even 5 seconds later the door was opened and nearly fell off its hinges it was swung that hard. To either Leah or I's surprise it was Beth who then shouted down the hallway that we'd finally arrived.

As we walked into the living room cheers and clapping erupted and Leah and I just laughed at it.
"Nice did you to come wasn't it?" Jen said
"It was Leah. She was talking her sweet old time." I responded
"No it wasn't" Leah instantly shot back on what I had just said, "I didn't even talk that Long and plus Im pretty sure we hit every single traffic light that we could have possibly been caught at."
"Alright enough," Kim said in her non captain voice wanting us to just move on.
"Ok Ella get in the chair. It's quick fire. We ask questions you answer. Get it?" Katie asked

"What do you think of Arsenal so far?" Caitlin said
"It's good, fun people, great atmosphere." I said
"Could you see yourself having a future here" Jen asked
"I mean I hope so. If all goes well this week then yes"
"Favourite teammate?" Beth asked
I knew what she wanted me to say so I said "Leah"
She gasped sarcastically
"She's hosting me and she's a big teddy bear deep down."
"How'd you get into football?" Kim asked
"My parents tried me in many different sports when I was young but I just wanted to kick everything so they put me in football."
"Who's your footballing idol?" Rafa asked
"What about women's?" Said Viv
"Honestly? This is a bit embarrassing but Beth."
I laugh at her but her football talent was exceptional.
"Favourite colour?"
"Why not? Idk just like the vibrance."
"If you could have dinner with any person dead or alive who'd you pick?"
This caught me off guard. I knew exactly what I wanted to say but there was no way I was telling people what happened. So I lied and went with a safe option.
"Erm the queen"
"She just seem calm like I reckon j could have a right chat with her about life. Plus she's lived through like everything up until a few months ago. Rest in peace Lizzy"

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