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It's been rough since that strange dream, since getting that dream i couldn't get much sleep as i would constantly get the same dream and wake up right after kala screamed my name.

Today was the day me and kala went on our second date and i decided to take my moms advice and start with something fancy and end it off with something slow and possibly romantic.

It was currently six in the afternoon which meant i had a few more minutes before I went to the restaurant that i decided for the date.

It was an interesting conversation with kala when i mentioned we will be going out to dinner for the second date and ending the date in the park but she agreed to it nonetheless.

I was currently wearing the same suit that i had last time except for the button-up that fades into a magenta color instead of the red one like the one i wore on my first date.

I'm heading out now and will arrive at the restaurant soon, see you there.

After texting that i told my mom that i was heading out and walked to the restaurant that was thankfully close to my house and didn't require me taking a car.

Once i got to the restaurant i entered and saw kala sitting in a booth by the entrance.

As i walked up to kala she turned my way and i froze once i saw her, she had on a teal colored dress that reaches down to her ankles and had her hair in a ponytail that hung over her shoulder.

"Y-y-you look b-beautiful."

I stuttered out the sentence as i approached kala, a blush quickly spreading to her face as she thanked me.

"I-i already reserved us a table s-so we can head over there now i-if you want."

Kala nodded and took my hand to help herself up from the booth she was sitting in and we both walked to our table holding hands.

Once we got to the table we let go of each other's hands and sat down in the seats that were set at the table which left us sitting across from each other.

I stared into her eyes for a few seconds before shaking my head and looking down at the menu, hearing kala giggle only caused me to blush harder than i already was.

"Do you two have your orders or shall i take drinks first?"

I turned from the menu to see a male with black spikey hair and golden eyes, just by looking at him i could tell that he didn't really like being a waiter.

"W-we will d-do d-drinks first."

The waiter nodded and took out a small pad and pen, an audible click coming from the pen as the waiter pressed the button on the back.

As kala gave her drink order i managed to compose myself and rid myself of the blush that was on my face.

"I-i would like a coke please."

The waiter nodded and left with both of our orders, once he left i cursed myself mentally for stuttering even after composing myself.

"Have you eaten here before?"

I turned my head to face kala and thought about her question a bit before shaking my head.

the broken hyoudo ~ highschool dxd (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now