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I slowly woke up to the feeling of kala hugging me but i also noticed asia cuddling with me and kala which just made me smile as i ran a hand through asia's hair.

I then realized that today was a school day and turned over to kala to wake her up which didn't take long, once kala woke up she saw asia cuddled up against us and smiled.

"Good morning."

I would have just said good morning back and take it slowly but we were already going to run late if we didn't hurry up as it is.

"We have school today and we will be late if we don't hurry.",

Kala's eyes widened for a bit before she looked down at asia and gently shook her awake.

"Hey sweetie, me and issei have to go to school. If you need anything then issei's mom will help you."

Asia nodded and moved off of me and kala before going back to sleep, cuddling up to my pillow the moment i had gotten up.

"At least she's comfy.",

I said as i grabbed my stuff and got into the shower, kala joined me since we had a time restraint and i didn't really mind showering with her.

Once we got finished we said good morning to my mom and left quickly, taking some toast that my mom had made since she probably knew we would be running late if we stayed much longer.

As soon as we got to school we walked by a lot of people although it seemed as though a few people were glaring at me and kala.

Ignoring the glares, me and kala made it to our room just as the bell rang and the teacher came in announcing a test.

Me and kala froze when we heard that there was a test, only kala studied while i just used kala's head as a pillow and slept during class.

'i knew most of the things in my classes anyway... Hopefully there's nothing new on the test.'

With that final thought i took out a pencil and got started on the test which had half things i know and half things i didn't.


the broken hyoudo ~ highschool dxd (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now