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* Rias POV *

I slowly woke up to the sound of a loud bang, the first thing i saw when i opened my eyes being the boy i had saved panicking and mumbling incoherent things to himself.

"Good morning."

My greeting seemed to catch the boy's attention as he turned my way and looked to be even more panicked, blushing and looking away when the blanket covering my body fell down and revealed my breasts.

"D-did i- d-did we-"

I cut the boy off from his panicking as i got up and took my clothes from the neat pile i put them in, putting them on as i addressed the boy.

"No we did not do anything, i will explain everything later but for right now you should get dressed. Actually, while you're there could you help me with this?"

I gestured to my bra as i held it over my chest, the boy seemed hesitant but eventually did come and help me although he had his eyes closed which made it harder for him.

'was everything that happened just a dream!?'

I shook my head as i heard what he thought, something most people think when they get revived into the supernatural with zero knowledge on the subject.

"No it was not a dream, you were really stabbed by that girl."

The boy seemed shocked at what i said but a sudden thought made him worry even more as he yelled out a name in panic.


I sighed as i knew this was just the beginning and things would only get more stressful from here.

'if only i had the chance to revive him earlier.'

With that thought i finished getting on my clothes and made my way out of the boys bedroom, worrying about introducing myself and getting his name later as school was starting soon and i do not feel like being late since i already have a lot of paperwork to do at the time being and i don't want more.

* Issei POV *

I was currently walking to school with kala while holding hands, a smile on her face and one just as bright being replicated on my own face.

Once we arrived at the gates kala said her goodbyes and kissed me which i returned, once she left i turned to face the school and saw a bunch of jealous girls and boys who were jealous as well as having some relief.

'this school is filled with nothing but perverts.'

I ignored the talking around me as i made my way to my class and sat down in my seat, just like i usually would i didn't pay attention and just tuned out the teacher.

Why pay attention when you finish all the work given by the teachers? Thats why i just tune things out and watch the birds outside fly around or the grass sway alongside the gentle breeze.

the broken hyoudo ~ highschool dxd (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now