ediz's worst fear

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"ediz calm down we have to breathe what the hell is going on" levi says

"my mum and dad" lucas cries

"Its ok lucas.." ty says "we can get through this my mums in there to"

I look around and the guilds been destroyed everythings gone I was about to run over when I see a man come towards us

"Im not going to hurt you but I didnt know you would make it that far through the sins so I let you off of gluttony but now just for fun we are going to go through each and everyone of your worst fears starting with the blonde boys" the man says pointjng to me

"Why!?" Callum yells

"Because its amusing" the man laughs and says "oh and you might die of shock most people do" he then disappears

Wait wheres hitomi "amy wheres hitomi"

"I have no idea HITOMI WHERE ARE YOU!" amy yells

we then start searching I look in the guold to see everyone dead inside I also see my mum and dad and nashi under some rubble why why is that man doing this I then fall to my knees "why... YOU BASTARD YOU CALL THIS AMUSING everyone... everyone is gone my big sister my mum my dad uncle gray aunty juvia asuka my friends gale and terra even wendy who was pregnant with twins a baby boy and baby girl

I start crying DAMMIT
Everyone comes in

"oh my god ediz this is your worst fear your family dying ok we have to find a way out this is horrible" callum says

"Help me..." I hear someone say weakly

I run towards the sound its hitomi under some brokem table and a heavy pillar

"E-ediz I-is that y-you" she stutters I never thought id hear her stutter again

"Yes hitomi hold on ill get you out feom under this

"GUYS OVER HERE HELP ME!!" I yell to everyone they rush here

"Oh my god hitomI!!!" They all yell

"Help me lift the pillar" I say

Levi lucas ty callum and I lift it just a little its really heavy whule amy pulls hotomi out from under it

"G-guys I cant feel my legs" hitomi says

"Dammit I know this isnt real but I cant stand seeing this" ty says

"Its ok hitomi" I cry keeping her head up in my arms

"Im glad I got to see you one last time" she says smiling "oh amy take it easy on the boys please" hitomi smiles

"Your not going to die I wont let it!!!" I yell "therez nithing y-you can d-do" she says whiping my tears away

"No hitomi we will find a way" but befkre I knew it her hand dropped and shes died

"Amy heal her callum please do something" o plead "I cant ediz ive I cant use my ring twice on one person im sorry" he said

Amy starts coming over abd cries "I can heal her vut if I did shed be in more pain then she is dead her legs are broken and so is her arms her spine is fractured and when I heal the dead yes there alive but they can still feel the pain they had when they died im so sorry ediz" amy cries

"No no please" I hug hitomi why why is this hapenning I look at my friends and they dont look the same anymore

"Its your fault shes dead" they all say in a creepy voice "if you cane here sooner she would still be alive" "we couldve saved her, its your fault shes dead it was you fear" they kept saying

"no go away this isnt real go away" I kept sayong over and over with my hands clutched on my head im going insane HELP

"ediz its your fault ediz ediz ediz" they kept saying over and over

Why wont ot just go away

*10 mins past*

Levi p.o.v

"Ediz ediz ediz" we all kept saying

"Are you ok whats wrong" lucas asked ediz but ediz slapped him

"Its my fault I get it its all my fault" ediz keeps mumbling he then stands up dropping hitomi out of his arms

"Its my fault fairy tails destruction our familys destruction is all my fault" ediz then cracks an evil smirk

"And now your all gknna doe aswell" he says creepily tjen laughs evilly

"this situation has taken over his mind hes going crazy e have to stop him before uts to late" amy says

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