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Ediz POV

A group of thugs gang up one me "this is just great I'm in the middle of japan not knowing why I'm here and now a group of gang members are hanging up on me" I say a little annoyed

"Hey shortie why are you out alone this late" the fattest man there says

I look at my watch and it's only 5 pm like what the "maybe you should check how old I am before assuming things fatso" I say getting more annoyed

Everyone gasps and the guy gets really mad

"What... Did you just... Call me I'm not fat IM CHUBBY"

Great "open gate of the maiden virgo" I say out loud

"Is it time for punishment master"

"No virgo it isn't can you just take these guys down" she nods and drills a hole on the ground and comes back up making a tall guy fly into the air then the fat man stops "wait he's a wizard dammit EVERYONE RETREAT"

"Tsk" that's what I though I close Virgo's gate and call one of my silver keys "open gate of the twin dogs lily and Anne" two dogs ten come out with angelic wings and like any other spirit there weird lily is purple and has a sweater on same with Anne but she is blue but they wear really thick sweaters no matter what the weather is "uhhh girls could you fly me to magnolia"

They nod "of course wan wan" (wan wan means woof woof in Japanese)

They fly me and it's now been 2 hours and were still not there ugh I'm so tired


I run inside to mum "mum sorry but I'll be hanging with Amy for the rest if the day I can't see dad today" even though dad only comes about once every three months because he's always with aunt meredy on really hard missions I can't see him today

"But ty it will be a long time before we see him again he'll only stay for 2 days this time" mum says still eating cheese cake

"Not today I have some settling to do" I say clenching my fists making mum get worried

"Are you ok Ty is something wrong"

I smile at mum "nope I'm ok" I say smiling

I then walk out and talk with amy for a while while walking to the girl hitomis house

Hitomi POV

"Hey hitomi why is Amy's mum so scary" terra and gale say at the same time

"Uhh it because"

*flashback* (yay another flashbak)

After turning back to normal after being possessed by some random thing and Amy challenging me to be her rival we also became friends do she invited me to her house

"My mums the sweetest person you'll ever meet" Amy says smiling

I then nod

We walk into her house and I'm greeted by a man

"Oh that's my uncle Peter" I say pointing to the man

I smile "hello sir" I say giving him a curtsy "it's nice to meet you"

He smiles "so formal what's your name honey"

"I'm hitomi hitomi Yamada sir"

He then stands up strait "your seriously from the Yamada estate"

I nod and smile "it's ok please treat me like you'd treat anyone else I hate being treated so protectively" I say smiling

"Of course" we then laugh and Amy joins in

A beautiful women then comes down the stairs "oh hello it seems we have a Guest"

"Yes Marion she's Amy's friend"

"Welcome please enjoy yourself"

I nod and smile and Amy and I go to her room and we play some games "hahaha" I laugh after hearing a story about how her uncle peter wore a girls dress that was way too tight once

We had a lot of fun and then I walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water and Amy mum comes to me

"Hello mam it's good to see....." I didn't get to finish my sentence because she slapped me

"You ignorant brat I loved Amy and now she's spending her time with you and won't talk to me your selfish" her mum yells

She's not drunk or possessed and I have only been with Amy for about 3 hours now

She then brings out a knife and peter comes in and Marion stabs him "PEETER!!!!!" Any comes in and starts to cry and scream "mum why uncle wake up please peter wake up" Amy starts to cry and I get scared I've never experienced death before i then summon a lot if things like tigers and lions and even a dragon comes but what shocks me the most is peter disappears this has only ever happened once

I got so scared my favourite maid that served me disappeared and I havn't seen her since

Amy starts to run out the door crying and I sit tree really scared shaking from head to toe Marion then comes over and kicks me Amy comes back and we run for it Amy insisted I go back home after some fighting I go back home and she leaves

*flashback end*

"That's the last we ever saw of Marion and the first time I saw Amy cry she hasn't cried since and that's when Amy started becoming scary even though she was creepy before she now shows no mercy to anyone" I say to terra and gale

The shake and are sppechless "it was also the first time I experienced death and when he body disappeared we had no idea where he went"

I say there still really speechless

And amy and some red haired guy walks in


On my way to here I remembered something else

*flashback* (yay another flashbak)

"Hey Amy let's play catch

Amy nodded and we played catch in the backyard and Marion came out "ty you have to go home"

I nodded but Amy was sad obviously she didn't want me to leave I hugged her

"We'll play again tomorrow ok"

She smiled and nodded

*flashback end*

I keep remembering bits and pieces after Amy sang that song

I need to get answers

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