The Walkers and The Infected

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20 years ago,some scientists tried to develop a cure,to harsh infections,and diseases,but that ended in failure,causing multiple people to get sick. The first few days,people were coughing,or stuck in bed,due to terrible fevers. Then,after a few weeks,people started changing physically and mentally,as they bite other people,changing into what the scientists call,'Clickers'. The stages got even worse,as the Clickers changed into Bloaters,who are larger than Clickers,and have fungus-like skin,that layers around the body,and protects them. They also have superhuman strength. Our story begins with Victor Blaze,a 25 year old man,who wears a long sleeved black Nike shirt,blue jeans,and Red Nike Air Forces. He was with his little sister,Julie,who wore a blue T-shirt, had brown hair,like her brother,black jeans,and purple Adidas sneakers,and his girlfriend/fiance Nikki Alexandra,who has blonde hair in a ponytail,a white jacket,some blue jeans,and Red Converse shoes. They were also with a 23 year old Lincoln Loud,who wore an orange jacket,with a black T-shirt underneath it,blue jeans,and white Vans shoes with red stripes. They were in a van,driving towards Macon,leaving Atlanta. Victor and Julie in particular,wanted to say goodbye to their mother,before Nikki and Victor get married. Victor's phone rang,and he picked it up.

Victor:Hi,Mom. I'm on my way there. Julie's behaving well. Alright,see you soon. Bye.

He hangs up,and drives past a police car,that had an African American man,who wore a blue shirt,under a white shirt,khakis,and brown shoes,named Lee Everett. He was in the back of the car,for a crime he didn't mean to commit. He was also handcuffed,and he looks towards them,then to the rear view mirror. The officer who was driving,adjusted the mirror to look at Lee.

Officer:Well,I reckon you didn't do it,then.

Lee:Why do you say that?

Officer:Y'know,I've driven a buncha' folks down to this prison. Lord knows how many. Usually is 'bout now I get the "I didn't do it".

Lee:Not from me.

Officer:Cause guys in your position already said it enough?

Lee shrugs his elbows in response,and looks at the front mirror again,while patrols were being called on the radio.

Officer:I followed your case a little bit,you being a Macon boy and all.

Lee:You're from Macon,then.

Officer:Yep. Came up to Atlanta to be a city cop in the seventies. Always wanted to work a murder case,like that senatorial mess you got yourself mixed up in,with all due respect. A real shame that is.

Lee looks to the left,and sees a police squadron speeding towards Atlanta.

Officer:Hell,the whole family used to be regulars at your folks' drugstore right in downtown. Still there?

Lee:Sure is.


Lee hears the radio again,and was curious as to why the old cop wouldn't answer.

Lee:Any of that seem important to you?

Officer:All of it,but that box never shuts up. Sit in this seat and pay too much attention,and you'll drive yourself crazy. I got a nephew up in UGA. You teach there long?

Lee:Going on my sixth year.

Officer:You meet your wife in Athens?

Lee just looks out the window on the left.

Officer:You wanna know how I see it?

Lee:Not really.

Officer:Well,too bad. It's my car. You might have the right to remain silent,but it don't mean I gotta be.

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