Hurt (💔)

337 2 7

TW: Self H@rm

(Balloon's POV)

Nickel and I were cuddling on my bed watching a movie until Nickel said

Nickel: I'm going to go the bathroom be right back

Balloon: Alright don't be long

I watched Nickel walk into the bathroom closing the door and locking it

(Nickel's POV)

I can't hide from him forever he's going to find out someday I lifted up my shirt sleeve to reveal cuts and scars I stayed in the bathroom for 10 minutes softly crying so Balloon doesn't hear suddenly I hear a knock on the door

(Balloon's POV)

Nickel had been the bathroom for around 10 minutes and I was getting worried so I decided to check on him in knocked on the door

Balloon: Nickel are you ok

Nickel: Yep fine just fine

His voice seemed shaky it sounded like he had been crying

Balloon: Nickel were you crying

Nickel: N-no

Balloon: I don't believe you I'm coming in

I unlocked the bathroom door and walked inside Nickel was sitting against the wall his face buried in his knees

Balloon: Nickel what's wrong

Nickel: Nothing go away

Balloon: I'm not going anywhere

I sat down next to Nickel

Balloon: Now what's wrong

Nickel: Nothing I already said

Balloon: Nickel you know you can talk to me

I put my hand on his arm accidentally lifting up his sleeve a little and on his arm I saw cut and scars I don't think I had been any more scared then I was in that moment

Balloon: N-Nickel have you been hurting yourself

Nickel: W-What no you weren't supposed to see those

Nickel started backing away from me

Balloon: Nickel I don't want see you hurting yourself

Nickel: You were never supposed to see any of that

Balloon: Nickel it hurts me to see you hurting yourself just tell me what's wrong

Nickel: Fine I'll tell you I'm cutting myself for every time I hurt someone else somehow with words or physically

Balloon: So you're you're doing this as a punishment

I had pure horror in my voice as I said that sentence and Nickel nodded

Balloon: No Nickel you don't need to do that there are better ways to cope

Nickel: Like what

Balloon: Well you can be open about your feelings closing yourself off only makes it worse

Nickel: I can try

Balloon: And just remember you always have someone who loves you

Nickel: Ok

I kiss Nickel and I carry him out of the bathroom

I've been experimenting with this chapter for a couple days and finally decided how it should go I hope you liked the chapter and 2 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY LETS GOOOOOO

453 Words

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