My Way (❤️‍🔥)

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More smut hahaha Warning: Edging, Degradation Dom Balloon

Nickel's POV

I grabbed my backpack and left my room to go to lunch with Baseball and Suitcase so I grabbed my keys and left the apartment

Time Skip bc I said so

After I had gotten back to the apartment from the lunch I was so tired I had to do something else before after that took a lot out of me so I just wanted to take a nap but that was wishful thinking because my Husband, Balloon was watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S in our bedroom a show he watches all the time even though he's finished it like 5 times

Nickel: Ugh again

Balloon: Don't judge me

Nickel: Whatever

I flopped down on my side of the bed and groaned

Balloon: Are you ok

Nickel: I'm tired

Balloon: Do you want the room to yourself

Nickel: Please

Balloon turned off the show and left the room turning off the lights on his way out which I appreciated

Balloon: Love you

Nickel: Fuck you

Balloon: Ha thanks

He closed the door and I took off my shirt and laid down on my back I was a little hot (Nickel got top surgery btw) I slowly drifted off to sleep

Next Day

I woke up I had no intention to sleep through the night but something felt off after I went to the bathroom I realized that I was in the heat oh fuck

Balloon's POV

I woke up and looked across the room and saw the bathroom door closed Nickel must be inside I jumped out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat and take my meds (Balloon takes anti depressants btw) after I took them I saw Nickel finally come out of the bathroom and he looked a little uncomfortable

Balloon: Hey you good

Nickel: Y-Yea I'm fine

Balloon: Ok whatever you say

I went back to whatever I was doing and Nickel sat down on one of the stools we have in our kitchen and still looked uncomfortable

Balloon: Hey you sure you're ok

Nickel: Yup completely

Balloon: I feel like you're lying to me

Nickel: I'm not I promise

I looked at him with unconvinced eyes and he just smiled but he still looked very uncomfortable

Balloon: You promise

Nickel: Y-Yup

Balloon: I don't believe you

Nickel: You really want the truth

Balloon: Yes obviously

Nickel: It's kinda gross

Balloon: I don't care tell me

Nickel: Ugh I'm in the heat ok you happy

Balloon: Oh um did you want me to help

Nickel: Please

Balloon: Um ok never imagined I'd be banging my boyfriend at 7:00 am on a Saturday morning

Nickel: Yea yea whatever

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