Component One: Pilot

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As Harriet was running playing tag with Willa. She began yelling.
"BE QUIET I'M TRYING TO RELAX!" A neighbor yelled while reading.
"I'M VERY SORRY!" Willa yelled back, just as everyone else went inside for the night time, including the two girls.
"Willa..." Harriet said.
"Yes?" Willa asked.
"What happened to mom and dad?" Harriet asked softly. There was a silent tension in the room as Willa looked down and said nothing "Well...?"
"WELL, NOTHING WE ARE SPEAKING OF THIS TODAY!" Willa yelled. After that Harriet just looked down and went to her bedroom.

The next day Willa went to go read behind the tree, this tree was special, this is where her parents had passed. Now you might be wondering 'How did their parents die? What is the history' okay maybe not that last one but who cares. They were in a town surrounded by a forest. Oh the forest, this palace of curiosity and wonder. And nobody knew what was inside this mysterious and ominous thicket, except for Willa and Harriet's parents. They died while in the forest looking for something, not even I know, and well, I'm the narrator. Anyways, a little later the girls went outside, to go to the restaurant where Willa's best friend and crush lived and worked. His name is Logan
"Hey Willa! What brings you here this very fine day?" Logan said staring at them.
"Oh nothing, nothing at all. It's not like I came in here to get food?" Willa said in a very playful and sarcastic tone.
"No need to get sassy. Drama Queen!"
"You're even more of a drama queen than I am.! You slightly hit your foot on a table and you fell over crying!" Willa said chuckling, almost bursting out with laughter.
"DID NOT!" He yelled in a nervous and playful tone.
"Can you stop already?" Harriet muttered.
"Ok." Logan murmured, caving by the site of Harriet get mad. Logan handed the girls their food, "See you two later!" Logan yelled as they were walking out the door.
"NOT IF TOUR DEAD FROM LIGHTLY HITTING A STUFT ANIMAL!" Willa yelled yelled walking out of the restaurant. She heard him laugh really hard and at that she giggled lightly and blushed. As they were walking back to their house as they passed the toy store.
"Can we go in?" Harriet asked Willa with puppy dog eyes.
"We cant. Remember Maya went missing." Willa replied.
"Did she go in the forest?" Harriet asked,with concern lacing her voice.
"You know... I honestly don't know." Willa expressed with a frown, and great sorrow in her voice, staring at the forest confused and terrified.
They then walked into their home Willa still thinking of that day when her sister was just five years old.

'Dear diary,

Today, Harriet asked me about Maya. I don't know where she went! I'm scared she ended up just like our parents, and that night. I hid what happened from Harriet . When she learns what had happened she is going to be devastated. That night our parents died. She knows it had something to do with the creatures of the night, of the forest. But she didn't know that they were looking for something. Should I tell her? What if I don't tell her and she goes into that hell hole? I will never forgive myself. They went into the forest , kissed me and Harriet goodnight and put us to bed. I woke up to sudden screams. I ran outside to see them, my parents lying under they willow they had named me after, dead. They had said 'Willows are wise and they bring good luck and fortune.' So they had named me Willa. Harriet slept through the entirety of the screams. Now she is thirteen years old, and still doesn't know exactly what happened, she knew they left and were gone forever more, but she didn't know that they had made it out of the forest.'

Once Willa was down putting all of the thoughts that weighed down her mind into the diary... Oh yeah I forgot to tell you! There is an evil in the forest, that evil are the creatures. The creatures are like werewolves, the size of a man, but they were hairless with the most wrinkly skin. They had rows upon rows of sharp teeth, and claws that could cut through anything . They almost never came out of the forest, and challenged anyone who dared to enter, and nobody has come out of that forest alive. If they did they only made it a couple of feet before passing. Was anyone brave enough to try to go and come back alive? Well for one it would be impossible but maybe, just maybe...
"Willa?" Harriet screamed breaking Willa's train of thought.
"Yes?" Willa replied annoyed, walking out of her room to see her sister looking in the refrigerator.
"Ugh, one you just ate but we can go but we have to hurry because it's gonna be night soon and I have to finish my summer homework!" Willa sighed, going to grab her bag. They walked to the store, luckily it was just down the road. Harriet ran down the road as Willa sauntered behind, not ready for her sister to ask for a million things. As you know - wait I haven't explained the sisters. Well...


Hello! I started this book with my bff and have been writing it for just over a year or two. It means so much to the both of us, so I'm glad I can share this with the rest of you. It might be confusing at first but it will all be explained, I promise! I will try to post everyday but I don't get inspired easily so there might be some wait.

❤️~Sirena (and Spring)

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