Googlie Galavant

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You ran as fast as your little legs would carry you. 


You looked down at the wooden checkerboard patterned path as you jogged after the small, fluffy dog. He barked in response, but kept on running ahead. "Where are you going?"

You were told specifically to stay put with the pet wolf, but when he suddenly sprinted off from everyone, you had to make sure he wouldn't get hurt. So, you had followed suit. Now you were nearing a sandy and snowy island, yellow and red flowers passing by as blurs in the corner of your eye. 'I've never seen this place before', you thought as your shoes met contact with the grainy ground. A large tree filled with some sort of green fruit towered above at the far end of the island, covered in snow. Barnaby stopped, barking at something. As you neared the dog, a butterfly flew up into the air from his nose. 'All this for a butterfly? How was it so fast...?'

"Barnaby!" You called again, out of breath. The dog turned around and started wagging his tail as if nothing had happened. As you recollected yourself, you noticed the sky had changed color. It was no longer a lovely orange, but purple. 

'Oh no.' 

Barnaby makes a loud growl, startling you. You whip around when a chilling groan hits your ears, an unsightly green human limping towards you. You scream. More mobs begin to walk out of the shadows as the last light disappears. Your wolf companion immediately jumps to protect you, barking and biting at their feet, but as you two are slowly being surrounded, you know there is nothing you can do. A skeleton drew its bow directly at you, and you close your eyes in fear as tears spill down your cheeks.

zzzziiiiip *clack*

It felt as if the chilling wind had swept you away. The wind becomes warm as you shut your eyes tighter, the sounds of a sword cutting through flesh making you cover your ears with a whimper. Another arrow is fired, making the same clacking noise as you feel the air rush by you again.

"(y/n)? Are you alright?" 

You open your eyes at the soft and familiar voice. Stampy sets you down on a branch in the melon tree. "What are you doing all the way out here? You scared the boots off of me!" Tears prick your little eyes again, and you dive into the fur of his chest. Two paws wrap around you gently. You don't know how long you cried for; perhaps a minute or two, but as you let out a last sniffle, Stampy pulls away to asses the puffiness of your face. "What happened?" He didn't look angry, just worried. 

"Barnaby ran away... I wanted to make sure he was okay." 

The cat hybrid turns to the dog who was guiltily crouching down. Stampy must have carried him up here as well. "Barnaby," he drawls, "you were supposed to be watching (y/n)." The wolf whimpers and lowers his head, and Stampy's gaze softens. "I know you're just a dog, but please be more careful next time. Who knows what could have happened if I hadn't showed up in time." You try not to dwell on that thought as you survey below. "Looks like we'll have to wait up here until morning." Stampy leans over to see. "Let's hope the others find us soon. I may have run off on them to find you two scoundrels."

Your grip tightens on Stampy's white and orange fur as you cuddle up to him again. His paw holds you close as he pets Barnaby on the head with the other, and you feel your eyes grow droopy.



A noise interrupts your dreamless sleep as you feel your pillow shift. 

"Guys! There you are! We're up here!" You fall asleep again just as Stampy hoists you and Barnaby into his arms and down the tree. Fizzy finishes off a zombie as Polly and William make sure you're all okay. Stampy sighs in relief. "We're fine. I'll have to pay you back for that! Come now, we'd better hurry home before any more googlies come after us."

The sun peeked over the horizon as the group fast-walked past the bakery. 'What am I going to do with you...' Stampy pondered. He hadn't expected to be running around his lovely world on account of this new little one. A yawn tears through his throat as he gazes down at your sleeping face, snuggled into his fur. Oh boy, this would be a new adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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