Otherworldly Romance

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December paused, contemplating whether to chuckle at his jest, which had failed to elicit any response. She scrutinized Cullen's countenance, hoping to catch a glimpse of a smirk or the familiar twinkle in his eyes that indicated amusement, but it was in vain. Instead, his face turned strangely somber—his usual affability vanished, replaced by an aloofness that left her unsettled.

The moonshine against his already pale skin only made his ocean eyes create high tides that crashed against the sand destroying sand castles and sweeping people further into the sea. It began to storm and everybody groaned that a sunny day could instantly be ruined by a few clouds and a big enough wave.

Pinching a smile trying to persuade Cullen to laugh with her, December took the hint. He was the one to cause the storm. As if he was Atmokinectic, chilly breezes fluttered by along with weak leaves that couldn't keep themselves on the branch.

He couldn't be serious, she thought. A vampire? The pause made her feel uneasy and she looked around, not entirely sure what she was looking for, but anything was better than the deep eye contact he was forcing.

"Jokes not that funny." December hushed, she figured he'd think the joke was brilliant. But to her, it was out of place and weird.

"Joke?" Cullen raised an eyebrow. While he stared at her, she stared at the ground. He had made her uncomfortable but he knew what needed to be said. However, actions are better than words.

As Cullen removed his mask, December's gaze inadvertently met his. In that fleeting moment, a startling transformation began. Beneath his eyes, a grotesque pumping of blood erupted, mimicking the mechanical rhythm of a gas pump. His once familiar eyes darkened into deep onyx, encircled by ruby-red scleras, stark against his pallid skin. December stood frozen, witnessing the chilling metamorphosis of an ordinary man into a creature of the night—a vampire before her very eyes.

December's breath hitched, her thoughts racing like a high-speed chase. *Is he going to hurt me? This must be a joke—it has to be.* But as Cullen's transformation settled, her breathing escalated into frantic hyperventilation, disrupting the stillness of her backyard. When Cullen attempted to mask his monstrous visage once more and reached out to comfort her, December recoiled instinctively, her fear palpable in the chilling night air.

December's flinch struck a chord in Cullen's shadowed heart. He had anticipated her fear, understood the risks of revealing his true nature too late. The weight of what remained unsaid hung between them—a single truth could close their chapter forever, leaving no chance for another to begin. As a vampire, he feared little in this world, save for the piercing bite of a wooden stake. Yet now, a new dread took root: the fear of terrifying December, and worse, the possibility of losing her forever.

Instead, Cullen sat back with his palms spread out attempting to show trust. His gaze lowered and the tidal waves in his eyes subsided. Even though the waves weren't as big, the clouds still hovered.

December's thoughts spiraled into chaos. Was this betrayal? Why had Cullen concealed this dark secret? The questions multiplied, each one layering her confusion with frustration. Amid the whirlwind of doubts, one question loomed larger: Could he hurt me? She sought to quell this fear, reminding herself of his past kindness, his consistent gentleness. Yet, her attempts to reassure herself only spawned more questions, leaving her mired in uncertainty without any clear answers.

She stood up the make more distance between the two while scanning his gestures. He looks harmless. He looked normal. You'd never know. Or was she just too stupid to see the signs? She began to trace over memories to find a clue, but nothing stood out.

"Why didn't you tell me before." Yep, it was definitely betrayal. December had finally been getting closer to him. He knows things about her, even she doesn't know, and to hide something like this. She got what she asked for, she supposed.

"From now on, no more secrets."

"I didn't know how you'd take it. I was scared. That you'd never want to see me again. Scared that you'd think I'm a monster." Cullen forced himself to sit on the bench fighting the urge to not rip out her jugular, but instead to hug and comfort her.

"A monster is what everyone sees, but I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't get a choice, because if I had one, being yours and being human would be my answer."

December turned her gaze to the fruit trees she had tenderly planted, pretending to hide a blush that only deepened at the sight. Her cheeks flushed further as her eyes caught the initials carved into one of the trees—an intimate token of their shared moments that now felt bittersweet.

A torrent of guilt washed over December as she absorbed his revelation. Staring at his transformed face, she could only think one thing: monster. A monster bent on her destruction, rendering all their past moments as if they had never occurred. She remembered how he had picked her up when she missed the bus, how he had indulged her with heaps of McDonald's, how he had sat down to color with her, hiding his indifference, all for her happiness. These memories stood in stark contrast to the fearsome figure before her, complicating her emotions further.

She recalled how Cullen had shielded her from that creepy kid at school, the one who mysteriously vanished soon after. As the pieces clicked together, December's eyes widened with a chilling realization, forming a grim theory about the now perpetually empty seat in their classroom.

The list went on.

She inched her body closer to his and sat on the seat she had just flown from. Took her a while, but she did it.

Wait, he said he wants to be mine?

"December I'd never hurt you, please, just. Since you said no secrets, I think this is my biggest one." Instead, December held her hands out. Powerful breathing returned to its natural state. Her eyes are full of love.

She berated herself for even entertaining such an absurd notion. A vampire—really? A creature of nightmare and fable, seductive and deadly, relegated to the shadowy corners of folklore. And yet, here she was, considering it seriously. Dismissing the well-trodden paths laid out in books, she felt a rebellious stir within her. She didn't just want to read stories; she wanted to write her own saga, no matter how outlandish it might seem.

Cullen places his hands into hers as their smiles subtly print. "I have a lot of questions and I want to take this slow. But, I'd love to get to know you all over again."

The clouds cleared and so did the chilly breeze. Folks started running into the sun and kids yelled while making their way to the crystal-clear water. Jet skis roared, volleyballs tossed, and somewhere amongst all the commotion, was a couple.

Some were elderly, young, and newlyweds, and some were potentially on a first date. As their feet sank into the warm sand, their lips touched and everything stopped.

December's mind went blank as she quickly pulled away unsure of what happened. Unsure if he liked the actions that just happened. But the grin on his face clarified.

"I just kissed a vampire. Can I do it again?"

The prompt was a forbidden alien love. But instead of an alien I decided on using a vampire instead.

If there's anything I can fix or improve, let me know, thx!

Time duration: 15-30 minutes

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