i heard you like

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Izabelle pov

As if I was a mannequin—As if I was stuck in an infinite time loop, my body stilled with my mouth agape and my eyes practically jumping out of my skull.

Here he was, Luciano, looking better than ever, on my doorstep with a gift that I would assume was an apology for our argument earlier.

It warmed my heart to see him standing there. The fact that he remembered such a small detail, like the way I gazed at a beanie for just a moment longer than anything else, made me feel a rush of tenderness.

Guilt quickly shifted over my body at our disagreement that I started for apparently nothing. Soft tears filled my eyes and I'm not sure if it's because of the benevolence or my shame.

The mouth that was once agape was now making a slight frown as I threw my arms open for an embrace and to my pleasure, he cupped me as my shorter arms squeezed his waist.

Rocking gently from side to side, I let out a quiet whimper. I scolded myself for being so easily moved to tears. It was a trait that had always plagued me. He must have sensed my discomfort, for he slowly released his hold on me. Despite my desire to stay in his embrace, I did the same. His warmth was like that of a cozy hearth on this snowy evening.

"Baby," His head tilted as he took his finger and lifted my chin forcing my honey pupils to meet his snow-capped ones. "What's wrong?" His genuine tone nearly brought another tear out of me but I shook my head hoping the rest leftover in my eyes would evaporate.

"N-nothing. I'm just really sorry. So sorry. I don't know if I hurt you but I hope I didn't because I was clearly in the wrong. A-and you didn't have to buy me anything-." My strained voice was cut off by his pointer finger making its way to my lips.

"You didn't hurt me, if anything, you opened my eyes. I should be more expressive to my loved ones. I got you this because your face lit up like a Christmas tree when you saw it. You want it, I get it for you. Lo que sea por ti."
[Anything for you.]

His gaze lingered on me the way cat fur does to black clothes after he said his native language. There was no shock that my cheeks turned crimson red under his eyes and since he placed his fingers back under my chin, I had no choice but to release a giggle.

He lifted the beanie up and onto my head and grinned as he pointed to the window for our reflection. Eyes already creasing at the corner, I held my head up a tad higher while striking a silly pose as if I were in Fashion Week.

A chortle left him as I looked back at him with a not-so-serious look from my pose and it infected me. His low rumble mixed with my high-pitched snort danced through my neighborhood.

In a matter of minutes, my emotions had shifted drastically. Just half an hour ago, I was anxiously pacing back and forth, constantly checking my phone for any sign of communication from Lucy. I was torn between anger towards him for hurting me and sadness for feeling angry in the first place. Regret washed over me as I realized I had spoken impulsively in the heat of the moment instead of taking a moment to collect my thoughts. The weight of my actions hit me hard as I left the car without even saying goodbye, knowing that I may have caused him pain.

Yet here I was, laughing with the man who knew that behind my raised trembling voice, was someone who just wanted to be heard and understood. A deranged voice from someone who wanted nothing but love.

I looked around to the night which looked more morning because of the snow and a sense of quiet ran through me. The snow was something that I always (probably weirdly) embodied.

Snow is a paradoxical force of nature. It can be gentle and playful, allowing people to frolic in it without any harm. Yet, it can also be powerful enough to cause chaos and disrupt daily life. It can shut down entire cities and leave people stranded. However, amidst the chaos, there is a certain beauty to be found. Even in the harshest of snowstorms, the flakes continue to fall softly, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

I yearned to exude gentleness. I longed for people to be captivated by the sight of me. Ignite a particular merriment akin to the enchantment snow brings during Christmas. I aspired to bestow tranquility upon those in my presence and create a sense of ease within them.

I yearned for strength, the kind that would make me my own fortress. A force so mighty that I could confidently turn away from those who wished me harm. I longed to utter the word "no" without a second thought about the repercussions.

Amid my thoughts, I was abruptly pulled back to reality by a faint sigh escaping Luciano's lips. As I observed his trembling shoulders, a single snowflake delicately landed on his jet-black hair. A surge of guilt washed over me as I realized I had unknowingly abandoned him in the cold.

I dash towards the entrance and motion for him to come in. As he passes by me, I gently massage his arms, hoping to dispel the coldness left by the snow. Luckily, the heater had kicked in, and the comforting warmth, combined with the aroma of my freshly brewed coffee, enveloped my body in a snug sensation that I wished Luciano also experienced.

We went our separate ways, with me heading towards the kitchen and him making his way to the living room. I couldn't help but skip a little as I searched around the kitchen for the sugar and creamer. Glancing back at the man, I noticed he was reclining with one leg stretched out and the other bent at an angle.

"Coffee?" I question but I shrink at how high my voice is. "Why are you drinking coffee at nine at night?" I roll my eyes making sure he sees my playful annoyance. I grab two mugs and initiate a hum of Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes.

The holiday season brought an abundance of reasons to celebrate. Christmas, is a time for cherishing moments with loved ones, indulging in sweet candy canes, and sipping on warm hot cocoa. And let's not forget those individuals who pretend not to care about gifts, but secretly do. The melodic tunes that resonate within me, always fill my heart with a sense of completeness.

I carefully fill a cup with coffee for a gentleman. He also brings joy to my life! Suddenly, my face starts to feel warm, so I pause for a moment and take a few deep breaths before facing the man who I hope will soon become my boyfriend.

Gosh, Lucian as my boyfriend.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

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