•|Whats so funny|•

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Yn: why did you locked the door?

Taehyung turned to her then smirked observing that she was scared right now

Taehyung: you want to know?

He started taking steps towards yn

She gulped as she took her steps back

Yn: m-mr Kim.. D-don't come any c-closer

She said more like a whisper

Taehyung's smirk become wider as he continued to take steps towards yn

At a point her back hits the wall

She couldn't take steps back anymore

Taehyung went closer to her

He pinned her hands to the sides of her head, intertwining their hands

He leaned closer to her face

Their lips were almost brushing to each other

Yn closed her eyes thinking he would kiss her

After some seconds she didn't feel anything, so she opened her eyes to see taehyung who was pressing his lips in a thin line

Controlling his laugh

His face was red

Yn: what?

She asked in disbelief

He started laughing his ass out while banging the desk with his hands

She looked at him, blush crept on her cheeks, she was so embarrassed at what she thought

He fell on the floor while laughing, now banging the floor while laughing like a man ran away from mental asylum

He was almost tearing up due to laughing

Yn made wtf look, what was so funny in it?

After sometimes he stood up still giggling slightly

Then cleared his throat and spoke

Taehyung: you really thought I was going to kiss you?

He asked teasingly

Yn was so embarrassed, she just wanted the group to swallow her at this moment

Yn: no... I.. I mean..

She lost her words not knowing what to say

Taehyung: anyways

Taehyung: let's start

Yn: start what?

Taehyung looked at her frowning

Taehyung: your extra class

Yn mentally facepalmed herself

Yn: okay

Taehyung pointed toward a chair which was in front of him

She sat and opened her notebook

Taehyung dragged his chair so close to her desk sitting in front of her, spreading his legs, not intentionally it was his habit

She gulped feeling nervous but didn't showed it

Taehyung: solve this question

Taehyung: if you don't understand anything just tell me

Yn just nodded her head and started solving the question


When he said " if you don't understand anything just tell me "

I relate it with my maths teacher

Well he also has habit of manspreading while sitting on the chair, so I took it as an idea 💡

He's hot as well you know 🙄

I purple you thanks for reading! 💜✨

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