•|Mrs kim namjoon|•

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Taehyung and yn reached home, they were bickering on the whole way, but taehyung didn't put her down

Mrs Kim was there waiting for them to come home, as they came home, laughing

They looked like a happy couple

As they saw Mrs Kim there, they both stopped laughing, taehyung put her down silently, they both stood there looked down at their feets

Mrs Kim: being so lovey dovey I see

Taehyung: mom it's-

Mrs Kim: it's okay taehyung

Mrs Kim: by the way..

Mrs Kim: how are you two?

Taehyung/yn: fine mom

Taehyung: how are you mom?

Yn: yes how are you mom?

Mrs Kim: I'm fine *smiles*

Mrs Kim: by the way..

Mrs Kim: is everything fine between you two??

They both looked at each other while biting their bottom lip, they both raise their eyebrows at each other trying to tell each other ' tell her '

Mrs Kim: what happened to you both??

Mrs Kim: is their anything wrong-

Taehyung/yn: NO!!

Mrs Kim raised her one brow, looking at them with questionable look

They both smiled nervously

Taehyung: uh m-mom..

Taehyung: everything is fine *smiles*

Taehyung: r-right baby?

Yn nodded smiling at him too

Mrs Kim: oh really?

She raised her brows

Taehyung/yn: yes mom

Mrs Kim: okay then why are you two living in separate rooms?

Taehyung and yn gulped

Taehyung: there's nothing like that mom

Yn: yes mom, I think you misunderstood-

Mrs Kim: okay then, yn why is your stuffs in other room huh?

They both shut their mouth, not knowing what to say

Mrs Kim: you two can lie to anyone but not me understand?

Mrs Kim: and it's my first and last warning, don't you dare misbehave with your relationship

Mrs Kim: or else.. It won't be good for you two

Mrs Kim: yn, shift your stuffs in tae's room, you two will stay together from on

Yn: yes mom

Mrs Kim: and yeah.. I'm gonna stay here for one month

Taehyung/yn: WHAT!!!



Thanks for reading ♡

I purple you 💜💜💜

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