•|He's so caring|•

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Taehyung: who are you to her?

Jungkook: I'm her boyfriend

Taehyung's jaw clenched as his fist turned into fist while he was glaring at the boy in front of him, staring at him back with a blank face

Taehyung: what did you just said?!

Jungkook: that I. Am. Her. Boy. Friend

Jungkook pressed every word while glaring at taehyung, taehyung who just couldn't do anything right now just fist his hands more tightly like he was going to dug his nails in his palms

Taehyung: are you sure that you're her boyfriend?

Jungkook: of course

Taehyung; since when?

Jungkook: that's not important right now, she isn't well...you see? I'm taking her to hospital

Taehyung glaced at you then back at jungkook

Taehyung: give her to me, I'll take her to hospital

Jungkook: no, I'll take her for hospital

Taehyung: no you'll not!

Jungkook: stop me if you can!!

He said and walked away with you in his arms, taehyung just stared at you two fading away from his sight

Taehyung:- it's making me angry that you're in someone else's arms yn! What the hell are you doing to me!? ( he thought)

Jena: taehyung? What's happening here?

Jena: you said she's your wife.. And he said that.. That he's her boyfriend, I mean what-

Taehyung: didn't I told you jen? We're just pretending as husband and wife, but we're not

Taehyung: and I would never ever accept a characterless girl like her

With that he walked away, leaving Jena alone there

She sat on the bench, eating her pizza with many questions in her head


Time skips, at the hospital, with you and jungkook :-

You opened your eyes, soon your sight got cleared and you saw you were in a hospital's room

Then suddenly-

Jungkook: yn? Are you okay?? Are yo still feeling dizzy???

Yn: no no jungkook I'm alright

Yn: thanks for-

Jungkook: you again lied to me... Didn't you?

You bit your lip, knowing what he meant, you didn't wanted to lie but didn't want to worry him as well

Yn: jungkook... I didn't meant to-

Jungkook: uhh! It's okay, the good thing is you're alright now *smiles*

Yn: *smiled back*

Jungkook: and why didn't you ate from whole day, mind to explain young lady?

You went nervous, what to say now? That your husband scolded you so in anger you didn't ate your breakfast?? Or that you were jealous that he cared more about his friend but not his wife???

Yn: just-

Jungkook: okay it's okay! Just take care from now understand?

Yn: yes jungkook *salute*

Jungkook: you wait here I'll ne back after checking if you need any medicine or not

And he went out of the room, you saw his figure slowly getting out of your sight

Yn:- jungkook is so caring..... And now I wish I had a boyfriend like him ( you thought while slightly smiling)

Yn:- but don't know why I fell for an ass like you Mr Kim! What the hell did you do to me??! ( you thought with clenched jaw)

Then suddenly the door opened, you looked to see, and it was your oh-so romantic hubby

He was looking angry, he was glaring at you like he will just eat you right there!

He was angry at you but on the other side he was in relief that you were all right

Yn: Mr Kim?

Taehyung: I didn't came here to meet you

Yn: then why are you here?

Taehyung: I'm here to know something

Yn: *frowned looking at him*

Taehyung: do you have a boyfriend?

Yn: what the- you came here to ask me only this!??

Taehyung: what if I say yes???

Yn: *scoffed* than you're unbelievable

Taehyung: stop talking nonsense, and answer me what I asked for

Yn: just get out from here!! Get out or else I'll call the security!!! And I don't have any boyfriend

Taehyung: stop lying, I already know the truth... Don't you have any shame? You're a married and still dating someone??

Yn looked at him like " Bish, what? "

Yn: I should say that to you, you're the one who has a girlfriend even after getting married!

Taehyung: y-

Jungkook: what's happening here?

Taehyung: why are you still her huh!don't you have any work?? *angrily*

Jungkook: what kind of question is that? Is not is obvious that I'm here because yn is here??

Taehyung: you don't have to stay here, go back to the college or else I'll call the principal and complain about you

Jungkook: but how can I leave yn alone here?

Yn: it's okay kook, you can go I'm fine

Taehyung:- kook!? From jungkook to kook!!?? Wow!! She never bothered to give me a Nickname but him!?!?!?! I will kill you both-

Jungkook: okay yn.. Bye take care

You just smiled at him while nodding, when he was about to go you stopped him

Jungkook: what is it?

Yn: thank you so much for taking me here jungkook

Jungkook smiled and nodded and then went out

Taehyung: bastard *low voice*

Yn: you said something?

Taehyung: let's go

Yn: where?


Thanks for reading ♡

I purple you 💜💜💜

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