~~White Void~~

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Before everything had started

There was nothing

Just nothing

Everything was white

A quiet, white void

Like being surrounded by pure light that had no effect on the eyes

A place without any destruction...

Or chaos

Time stood still

It stretched infinitely

No echoes, no shadows, no evil

You lie on its floor, it's emptiness surrounding you

It was comfortable, like the void was embracing you

Nothing matters to you...

No one matters to you...

It was just you

Lying there letting time pass by

But all was interrupted when you heard something faint

But the faintness of the sound kept rising...

And rising...

Until you recognised a scream

You opened your eyes

Lifted your body up, looking around the white infinite void for where the scream was coming from

It got louder, the scream and cries piercing your ears

It echoed through your mind

You covered your ears tight

Begging for the cries to stop

The screams engulfed all your senses, so the only thing you could focus on was begging to make it stop

Breathing heavily, tears swelling up in your eyes

Then suddenly you feel lightweight

You start floating

You hear a singular voice whisper in your ear:

"Help us..."

Then, as if by lightning, everything went black, everything felt fast, and when you opened your eyes, everything had changed


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