~ Disclaimer ~

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TW: This book deals with sensitive topics such as ~
-  OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
- anxiety
- panic attacks
-  bullying
- self harm
- insomnia
- body dysmorphia
- mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts
- depression
- emotional and verbal abuse

+ swearing and mild violence

Rated mature due to mature topics and language.

Started: 7th May 2023

This book may contain British slang and spelling, because the author of this book is from England.

No, I would not like a cup of tea, because (at time of writing) I literally just drank one an hour ago.

This book is inspired by "All the Things That Could Go Wrong" by Stewart Foster.

While my book is loosely inspired by this book, it is my own work. All the characters and storyline came from my own imagination. Please do not plagiarise my work or copy it in any way.

Please be kind in the comments, because the events that take place in the book do happen to people in real life, including me. I haven't particularly been bullied but I know how it feels to be poked fun at and to witness it happening to other people. The events that happen in this book such as bullying may not be an accurate representation of what it is really like for those that do get bullied, therefore, I have kept it to a minimum and stuck to a less physical and more verbal and teasing approach. Nonetheless, it is still bullying. As stated in the list above, another topic in this book is emotional and verbal abuse. This isn't the main topic of the book, but I wanted to put it on the trigger warnings list, because I really don't want readers to overlook it and not make the distinction between strictness and abuse. They are two different things that will both be in this book, but it's important that you don't mistake one for the other.

With that being said, if you or anyone you know is getting bullied or abused, report it. You won't be seen as weak, you won't be seen as pathetic. Never feel ashamed: it's never too late to ask for help. It's the right thing to do and it's better late than never.

For any of you wondering, this book has been written from experience, so if there is anything that you feel is inaccurate, unfamiliar or unrealistic, please do not point it out in a condescending way, because it's simply insensitive to the people that struggle or have struggled through it.

If you are struggling in any way, message me, I'll be more than happy to talk to you.

And of course special credits to Kayla aka StupidFreakingBees for giving me tips and advice and for being my first follower. I couldn't have done this without you.


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