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YOU EMERGED NEAR RUINS, as Ratau said you would.

You wiped the golden tears from your eyes with a faint frown, before stumbling after the Lamb who dragged you to meet Ratau.

"This hallowed ground which once was mine, is now yours." He looked somber as he said that, eyes glazing. "This crumbling ruin is to be the site of your new Cult."

"We have much to do!" Ratau coughed, lightly tapping his staff against the dirt. "First, we begin my indoctrinating this poor soul into the warm embrace of your Cult." He used his staff to briefly gesture to a stone circle nearby, before quickly using it to stabilise himself.

"Your followers can, or rather will, gather resources for you. Order your first to collect Lumber or Stone."

The nearby circle glowed with a red pentagram, the follower from before rising out of it. Once landed, she went back to shivering on the ground like before.

You and the Lamb approached her. Seeing you both draw near, the sacrifices eyes squeezed shut and she clasped her hands tight.

"Please, spare me." She whispered.

"Open your eyes," you beckoned softly, and she hesitantly obliged. Her dark eyes landed first on the Lamb, before drifting to you. As her gaze locked with yours, what looked to be a golden shimmer swept across them. A fierce heat rose to her cheeks, prominent through her fur.

"Please, let me join your cult." She blurted, doll-like eyes peering up at you in want, in need.

The Lamb exchanged a glance with you, before you both nodded.

"Thank you!" She chirped, hands tightening their grasp on themselves. "My name is Merkiy, and I will follow you both until my final breath."

She was a rabbit, pelt a brilliant shade of yellow.

You smiled down at her, offering a hand to help her up. She took it gratefully, staring down at your hold as if it were an irreplaceable gem.

The Lamb quickly tugged you back to his side. His crowns eye glowed, and Merkiy donned red clothing with a slightly torn edge.

Commanding her to cut down some nearby trees, the Lamb waved her off. As she skipped to a nearby tree, you and the Lamb met with Ratau.

"By your hands, our Cult will grow powerful!" He looked almost proud as he spoke, gazing at you both with a near grandfatherly gleam in his eye. "But do remember that your Followers can not live on prayer, they must eat."

Speaking of eating, you were starving.

"Gather the necessary resources- don't worry, they are nearby- and build a Cooking Fire. There, you will be able to prepare meals for yourself and your Followers."

You moved to find and gather materials but were stopped by the Lamb's firm grasp on your shoulder.

"What?" You frowned, it only deepening as he pushed you to sit on the ground. He paused before you did, though, ushering you over to a nearby rock instead. He brushed off the surface, before nudging you onto it.

Rolling your eyes, you sat and allowed the Lamb and Merkiy to do the hard labour. Well, it could hardly be called that, as Merkiy only had to cut down a tree or two and the Lamb was aided with the crown transforming into a sturdy pickaxe. You did manage to sneak off, however, humming as you picked berries off of a nearby bush.

The Lamb squinted at you as he passed, logs and rubble in his arms. He simply shook his head though, moving to the workbench to create the Cooking Fire.

He set it up nearby, waving over Merkiy to aid in building it.

It didn't take long, the three of you working in sync; Merkiy making sure to follow every one of your requests to a T. Need a hammer? Right there! Nail? Here's five.

You all stood back, admiring the work for a moment before Merkiy wandered off to continue clearing trees. You were the one to nudge the Lamb away, having him stand back as you began to make three simple meals made of the berries you found.

It took hardly any time at all, and soon enough you, the Lamb, and your new follower Merkiy were standing around the Cooking Fire and gnawing on your first meal in a long while.

a/n: just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has voted/saved this story already <3 way more than I thought there'd be! the sudden interest is rather scary ngl- and we're only on chapter 3! also keep up the comments i love reading them :)

updates will be slow for a while as I'm just back at school and starting my higher subjects

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