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"MY, YOU MUST HAVE BEEN HUNGRY," chuckles Ratau as he emerges from the ground. You wiped off your mouth, approaching him with the Lamb in tow.

"Your next goal is to build a Shrine, but first you will need more Followers and gold, both of which can be found when crusading through the lands of the Old Faith."

He cleared his throat. "Our... mutual benefactor, The One Who Waits, has been trapped by the four Bishops of the Old Faith. Each bishop guards a chain that binds him to the realm beyond. There are openings to their realms conjured nearby, it is your task to track them down and slay them so that he may be freed."

Ratau waved his staff. "Now go! There you shall find gold and willing recruits, and for those who are not willing... convert them by force." He eyed you. "Or... other means."

Before he could elaborate, he burrowed away.

You and the Lamb glanced at one another.

"I... suppose we have to go to the Old Faith." You shrugged, moving to where you assumed the entrances lay.

The Lamb stopped you, a fierce glare in his elongated-pupil eyes. Even his crown narrowed its gaze at you.

"What?" You frowned, which only deepened as he explained himself.

"I can handle myself fine, Lamb!" You snapped, wrenching your arm from his grasp. "You dare assume I cannot care for my own self?" 

He shook his head, further explaining. You paused, sighing.

"Fine," you squinted. "But only this once. I will accompany you next time."

He nodded, happy with the agreement, before trotting off to the realm doors.

You sighed once again, scanning the area before going to lift a rusted pickaxe leaned against the chest at the stairs.

"S'pose I could do this for a while."


The Lamb had been in Darkwood for hardly any time when Leshy appeared.

"How can this be?" He hissed, voice sounding like trees and branches creaking.

"You were put to the blade, Lamb," he spat, "as all your kind were. And yet here you stand before me, unrepentant."


"The crown... his power... could it be?"

Leshy leaned forward for a moment, moss and leaf covered head looking as if it pulsed in his silence. Wind whistled through the trees, or was it him breathing?

"That scent..."

"Your shepherd..."

"They live? You... no, he, has given them something. A great gift unseen for centuries. Unseen since..."

He shuddered.


"I am stronger than thee, lamb. Turn tail and run, lest you wish your fate to be sealed."

"... lest you wish your shepherd's fate to be sealed."

Leshy slunk into the ground.


You couldn't help the surprised noise that escaped you as someone came from the stone circle, similar to Mertiy.

"What- who?" You blinked, carefully approaching the newcomer.

"Please, spare me," he mumbled. He was not any creature you had seen before, moss-ridden wooden horns protruding from his fluffy green head along with what looked like eggs?, the largest of which had a small, closed mouth shaped like an 'x'.

"Do not fear," you spoke gently. "What is your name?"

His eyes opened, seeing you for the first time. He looked almost relieved it was you, and not anyone else. His eyes were a deep shade of mahogany, a golden shimmer skimming across them as you locked eyes.

"Amdusias." He whispered, gazing up at you as if you were the brightest star in the sky.

a/n: shorter chapter woopsie, might give a third chapter this week to make up for it + late update

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