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A TEMPLE HAD BEEN BUILT. It was a bit rickety, the paintwork a little sloppy, the candles made you worry about a fire and you couldn't help but fear that the bell hanging above the entrance would fall and cave through the roof — but, you couldn't deny the giddy feeling you got when staring at it, butterflies flitting around your stomach as if it were a meadow.

It was your temple. Yours.

Well, not all yours, it was made in the Lamb's honour as well, but still. Its existence made everything seem that much more real.

It made you really realise the situation you were in, the power you held over those around you.

The realisation was almost too much for you. Almost, yet not quite.

Amid your admiration, you failed to notice Ratau speaking with the Lamb only a short distance away, by your statues. Nor did you notice Yarthay's eager staring, eyes shining with the need for praise of their work.

"Do you like it?" Their voice soon blurted, whisking you from the confines of your own mind which had started to roll into thoughtless rambles with no true end goal to be seen; perhaps it was a good thing, then, that they'd interrupted before it'd gone too far.

"Like what?" You replied almost dumbly, a question which made their face momentarily fall yet quickly lift again — likely at the realisation that your asking of this meant they were able to speak with you perhaps for just a few seconds more.

"The temple. Do you like it? Yes, Great Stag, do not you enjoy the fruits of my labour?" They pointedly did not mention Amdusias or Merkiy, focused currently on themself and You. You, who were so above all others.

"I like it," your approval, as vague as it was, appeared to spark immense joy within the hare as their eyes shimmered and their fingertips quivered with buzzing ecstasy.

"I thank Thee, Purity, for your sweet Word!" Yarthay's lips could not widen any further with their near manic grin, dull teeth almost unsettling with the expression. Unsure of how to respond, still not entirely used to this, you gave a mere curt nod and pursed smile.

That was enough for your follower, for with a skip in their already bouncy step, they peeled from your side and near floated to you and the Lamb's statues where they dropped to their knees in muttered prayer.

Almost as suddenly as they departed, the Lamb appeared with a tight grip on your wrist. 

"Lamb," your greeting made his ears twitch. "You seem hurried. What is on your mind?"

His mouth opened slightly as if to speak, before it closed with a subtle narrowing of his lips. They tried again, results being the same. Deciding against telling you their worries, they instead informed you of the presumed next steps. A sermon.

Your hand twitched against their own. Curious, the Lamb squeezed your palm in silent question, to which you responded with vocal answer; "I have never attended a sermon in my life, Lamb, let alone held one. I know nought what it entails."

They wet their lips, and with a word of reassurance they tugged you into your new temple.

It was decent inside. Warm enough, spacious enough to fit more than you had to offer. The Red Crown mural on the wall, outlined by faint antlers, was a nice touch. However, the already half-melted candles placed precariously on wobbly stands to the sides seemed like a fire hazard in the primarily wooden structure.

You and your companion stepped up behind a podium that you could both hardly squeeze behind, a book present on it with several sections noted with small tabs.

The first tab was for basic sermon holding; thus ignoring the others, you flipped it open and skimmed the contents.

"... I think I get it," you hummed, accompanied by the Lamb's agreeing nod.

Almost as if on cue to your understanding, you heard the booming chime of a bell above you; signalling to all in the area that something was occurring. Those who had devoted themselves to you and the vessel entered, gathering (though could it truly be called a gathering, if there were only three?) beneath your shared podium with arms outstretched and heads slightly dipped in readiness for it all to begin.


hi :3 im not dead lol,, trying to get back into writing. gon try make chapters a lil longer after this point 

important note: this will not be following 'sins of the flesh'. this was started before the update, and thus has not taken any of it into account (plus, i haven't played it lol) i might include some elements, but zero promises lmao

edit: added title whoopssss i forgor it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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