Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I scattered to get a blanket to cover myself, I don't know why though, Taylor has seen me naked.

Aiden quickly got his shirt on, and I just wrapped my body with the blanket.

"Well I think I'm going to go." Aiden got up and kissed me on the cheek and ran out.

I saw the sting in Taylor's eyes.

"That hurts." He said going up the stairs.

I felt streams of tears fall off my face. This was painful, seeing him hurt.

It was all my fault.

I then decided I needed to go for a walk, then I walked outside into the darkness.

I wanted to go visit the waterfall, I had no idea where it was I thought I would just wing it.

I walked deep into the dark forest looking at the ground to make sure I didn't trip.

After 30 minutes of walking I went and sat on a stump. I gasped for air. I then laid down on the ground looking at the stars.

They were beautiful, very different from home. I then heard a howl, I sat up fast looking in every direction.

I know it was risky and dangerous for me to be wondering around at night but I really needed to clear my mind.

I got up and decided to keep going to find the waterfall.

I was so happy to see it, the moon lit up the water making it look so gorgeous, it was very temping to go jump in.

I sat on the hill and peered down at the crystal clear water. I bet the water felt like bath water.

I began walking around looking at all the wall drawings on the mountain. I was surprised at how peaceful and quiet it was, no animal made a sound.

I sat looking at everything, it really just took my breathe away. Coming back here though reminded me of me and Taylor's time.

I was lost, I didn't know what to do. This wasn't fair to anyone.

Especially since the carnival is coming up, I heard Taylor mention.

This is going to be quite interesting.

I then felt a hand covering my mouth. My eyes squeezed in terror...

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