Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Oh come on tell us already!" I screamed. "Shaylee is that you?" I heard a voice I looked at Taylor and threw the stick at him. "Hide this!" "Ew, but you peed on it!" "Hide it Taylor!!!" I ran out of the bathroom, so much for seeing if I'm pregnant. "Grandma?" I said looking around. "Oh there you are, I'm just coming to take a shower and maybe take a nap." "Oh, how is he?" "Just like before." She frowned. "You go get washed up and ill make you a sandwich." "Thank you honey." Then she was off to her room. I ran toward the bathroom and swung the door open. Taylor just stood there staring at the stick then met my gaze. "So? What is it!" I was examining his face, he wasn't saying anything. "You. aren't. pregnant." "Oh my god! Yes yes!" I screamed jumping up and down. Taylor joined along then he embraced me. "I'm so glad, we need to be more careful next time." I kissed his cheek. "Yes we most certainly do." He chuckled. "What a relief." I let a sigh out. "Grandmas home?" Taylor asked throwing the stick away. "Yeah, I'm going to go take care of her." "Alright well I got to go feed the horses and stuff." "Alright see you later." I kissed him before he left. I was so happy to know I wasn't pregnant, I mean yes I want to have kids down the road but definitely not now. It was a big weight lifted off my shoulders. Now I can focus on helping my grandma. I walked out to the kitchen and threw a sandwich together to give my grandma. As I walked up the stairs I looked at the pictures that hanged of my grandpa, made tears form in my eyes. I quickly ran up to my grandmas  room and gave her the sandwich. She looked a lot better, she was finally cleaned up and all she needed was some sleep now. "Thank you so much Shaylee." "You're so welcome grandma." I smiled. "Eat your sandwich and get some sleep." She nodded and I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. Feels good to sit, I've been going and going the past few days, it was time for a rest. Maybe I could take a nap? Oh a nap sounded so good nothing sounded better. I laid down and slowly closed my eyes.


As I woke up I honestly have never felt any better. My whole body was relaxed and I felt so good. I looked outside and it was dark, I must have slept for a while but that was okay, I've had some wild days and I needed it. I wondered if my grandma was still here so I walked up to her room, nope she was gone. I walked back downstairs and into the dinning room. What? What was this? My parents, Taylor, my grandma, my grandpa were all sitting around the table laughing and eating dinner. "Shaylee!" My grandpa got up and rushed over to me and gave me a tight hug. "Huh? What's going on?" I said in confusion. "I'm all better come sit!" My grandpa said dancing around. I smiled, this is wonderful. I took a sit next to Taylor. "Honey you look so pretty." My mother said. "Thanks?" I said cocking my head. Maybe my grandpa getting all better brought my family closer. We all told stories and it felt so nice to have everyone getting along and laughing. "Shaylee?" I looked around. "SHAYLEE." What who's saying that? I opened my eyes to Taylor.

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