Chapter 21

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Chapter 20

I fell to my knees and cuffed my hands to my face, they soon filled up with water. This can't be happening, I glanced over at my grandpa feeling the ache hurt even more. Pain rushed through my body making everything go black.


I blinked a couple of times to get my eyes fully opened. I was in a hospital bed with a needle injected in me.

My head ached with pain. I looked around the room and saw Taylor sleeping in a chair.

"Taylor..?" I mumbled.

He woke from his sleep and came quickly to my side.

"Are you okay?" He said kissing my forehead.

"Yes." I got out. "W-what happened?" I looked up meeting his eyes.

"You blacked out, the doctors think it was due from.. from.. What your grandma said." He didn't meet my gaze.

I knew he didn't want to say it. Remembering what my grandma said made everything hurt 10 times worst.

My grandpa was my father figure, yes I have my dad but he was always so busy on business trips I always stayed with my grandparents.

My grandpa did everything with me what should have been my father. He bought me a bike and helped me learn to ride it, all those daddy daughter dances he came, all those daddy daughter doughnut days he came.

I hadn't seen my grandpa in years and when I finally arrived here, well we reconnected when we saw each other.

"Shaylee?" Taylor said interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh yeah..?" I said quietly.

"Your grandma wants me to go back home to take care of the ranch, I told her I wanted to stay with you but she insisted I go."

"It's okay. Give me a kiss before you leave? I'm going to miss you." He leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss.

"I'll see you soon baby." He said walking out.

I was alone in a dark room, I glared out the window into the darkness.

The door creaked open just a tad but I couldn't make out who it was.

"Taylor?" I called.

"No." A mumbled voice said.

Water fell from my eyes, I recognized that voice, it was my grandpa.

My grandma was helping him walk in.

I smiled. He came over to me very slowly and gave me a hug, my grandma was behind him making sure he didn't fall.

"They said he could walk, he wanted to see you badly." My grandma said.

"Oh I love you grandpa so much, please don't go! Please! You can't, a piece of me would be gone." I looked at him and saw a tear run down his face.

I've never seen my grandpa cry and it was the most horrible thing I think I ever saw.

My stomach sunk.

"I don't wanna go.." He said lightly.

I was drenched in tears, this was the most saddest thing I ever been through.

I looked over to my grandma who was crying too.

All of a sudden my grandpa fell. My heart raced I jumped out of bed to help him up but he wasn't waking up.

"Grandpa! I screamed. Please wake up, you have too."

My grandma raced to my side.

"Ohhh Jim!" She cried.

We were trying to lift him up. Doctors soon came in and took him away, leaving me and my grandma in a flow of tears and hearts beating as fast as they ever have before. I couldn't breathe.

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