two: steal you, darling

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The train had only been moving for about five minutes and Harry was already wondering if this really was a good idea or not.

After Louis helped him on, he showed him where the rest of his friends were sitting before disappearing with Cal to figure out where to keep Harry's bags since their compartment was full. Harry had profusely thanked them for helping him out, but once he was sat with Zoya and Liam, both of whom were looking at him curiously and probably wondering what he was doing there, Harry started getting nervous. He clearly hadn't thought this through. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, while buying his ticket this morning and actually going through with it, he had forgotten about the social aspect of the trip. There was no way he could sit through this train ride and not talk with them.

For a few moments, no one was really saying anything. Harry wished someone would start the conversation so it wouldn't be on him. To be fair, though, Harry didn't really blame them for being so awkward around him. It wasn't like they knew much about him during school, other than the fact that he was the nerd who studied all the time, even during free periods. Him showing up on this trip was probably a shock to both of them.

"It's insane that you're here," Zoya said finally. "Did you look into the trip after I told you about it?"

Harry nodded slowly. "I hope it isn't weird that I did that."

"Of course not," Zoya replied. "I'm glad you came. We can finally get to know you better!"

She smiled kindly and Harry realised he really liked her. She was warm underneath that hard and grungy exterior. Her brown eyes, which were outlined with dark eyeliner, softened and Harry felt like he could maybe trust her.

"Be careful, Harry," Liam warned with humour lacing his tone. "Zoya might just fall in love with you and you'll never be rid of her annoying mug."

"Piss off, Liam. No one's talking to you," Zoya rolled her eyes.

Liam laughed jovially and Harry noted he still had the same boyish face despite how much he'd changed since the last time he saw him. For one, Liam had grown a beard. And he also had very little hair on his head, which he covered with a red beanie. Back in school, people could hardly ever see his face because of his Justin Bieber fringe.

Louis had changed quite a lot, too. He looked more mature and his features had only gotten better within one year, especially his chiselled jawline and cheekbones. But those baby blue eyes and mischievous smile still were the same. While they were both good-looking boys, Harry had had a crush on Louis back in year nine, when he'd defended Harry in front of some bullies who were mocking him for his oversized glasses. Harry had also come out around that time, so he assumed that didn't help with the bullies.

"It's great that you're here," Liam said, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. "We haven't seen you in a while nor did we ever thank you for the amount of times you helped us pass exams. Do you remember, Zoya, the three of us would play rock, paper, scissors to try and figure out who would sit next to Harry during exams?"

"Yeah." Zoya giggled. "Whoever won would come out with ace grades."

Harry chuckled at that. He did remember that. While he didn't condone cheating, he couldn't really do anything to stop them. Besides, maybe this memory would help them like him more. They were both being so nice, reminiscing about old times and including him in the memories, which he didn't think they would. The three of them continued to chat and Liam even took out a container full of sandwiches that Zoya had made, offering one to Harry. Then, halfway through a story about one of their old teachers, Louis walked into their compartment followed by a guy and a girl.

"I've brought friends," Louis grinned, settling down beside Liam. "Guys, this is Finn and Aria."

The three of them waved at the two newcomers. They looked to be about their age and Harry wondered how Louis met them. Aria settled in beside Harry, fixing her pale pink skirt, which matched the colour of her lipstick. Finn sat beside Aria, running his fingers through his dark hair, and flashing everyone a dazzling smile. He was really cute with light, hazel eyes.

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