four: hopeless hearts

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The group was given another free day to visit Andorra's capital, Andorra la Vella, and somehow, Harry found himself walking alongside Finn and Aria.

It was coincidental because one minute he was with Liam and Zoya, pressed together as they moved with the bustling crowd around them, and the next the two had run off to go to some liquor shop they spotted. After manoeuvring his way through the crowd, Harry saw Finn and Aria. Since they were the only familiar faces around, he walked over to them and they greeted him with smiles. He didn't mind them, really. They'd been mostly nice to him and, while Harry got the ick whenever he saw Louis and Finn flirting, he wasn't holding that against Finn.

He hadn't gotten much of a chance to talk to Finn and Aria either. He'd been so attached to Zoya, Liam, and Louis. It felt like those three had sort of taken Harry under their wing. They were a package deal on this trip, and it was quite nice to be a part of a squad, or whatever they called it these days. While they weren't the best of friends, Harry considered them close at this point.

The capital was surrounded by tall, green mountains. It was home to the smallest parliament in Europe and it also had the oldest Romanesque church in the principality. Sadly, it was too big to see within a day, so they tried to go to as many places and see as many sights as possible, including Lake Engolasters, which was a calming deep blue shade. Then, after seeing some more churches, the three of them went to the shopping district. It was packed with high-end shops that no one would expect from a small city enveloped so deep within Spain.

After Harry purchased some souvenir gifts for himself and his parents, he followed Finn and Aria to the canteen. There, they found an assortment of different restaurants. They decided on burgers, chips, and nuggets, carrying all the food over to a table in the outdoor area.

"So, how are you liking the trip so far?" Finn asked Harry, dipping his chips in a ketchup and mayonnaise concoction.

Harry bit into his nuggets and smiled. "It's been great. I've never really come on a trip like this before, so it's been an experience."

"Aw, it's really nice that you decided to come," Finn said.

"Yeah, I've always just gone places with my parents, so it's my first time on my own. Plus, those trips weren't so physically demanding."

"I know what you mean," Aria groaned. "I'm exhausted from all this walking. We're all going to have really toned legs by the end of this trip, though."

The three of them laughed at that, and then Finn looked over Harry's shoulder, his eyes lighting up. Harry followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at Louis, who was busy taking pictures. Harry faced forward again and tried to appear nonchalant.

"So, you and Louis, huh?" Harry asked, focusing on opening his ketchup packet.

Finn shrugged, though his face said otherwise. "It's nothing, really. He's just really flirty. I kind of like the attention."

"Not just kind of," Aria teased. "You really like the attention."

"You know him well, right? You all came together," Finn asked Harry.

Harry contemplated his answer as he wasn't really sure of it. On one hand, yes he did know Louis. They'd gone to the same school for years and were in the same classes, so he was aware of some of his rather flirty and rambunctious mannerisms. However, they didn't start talking properly until this trip, and it had only been a few days. What he did know was that there was a lot more to Louis than he let on, so Harry didn't feel like he could offer Finn what he was looking for.

"He's pretty cool," he settled on saying. "We weren't really friends in school, but I think he's a good guy."

That seemed to be enough for Finn, who continued to dig into his food.

hope your life leads you back to my door » l.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang