Chapter 28

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The first thing that I do Monday morning when I clock in for work is speak with Jill. Even though the caddie job won't conflict with my weekday responsibilities working in the fitness center, I want to be 100-percent transparent with her.

Luckily, the conversation goes well, and when I see Jimmy in the gym that morning, I tell him that I'm in. He seems way happier that I expect him to be, but I don't question it.

The rest of the week flies by and I think that's because I spend most of it with Brooks. By the time I know it, it's Sunday and dad's dropping me off at Meadows.

"I'm just dropping her off," dad tells the valet guy who stops in front of his window. The guy nods and walks off, and then dad turns to me with an uncertain look on his face. "You sure about this, honey?"

I unfasten my seatbelt. "More than sure," I tell him before planting a kiss to his cheek.

"You're done at 1, right?"

"Yup," I say, opening the door and exiting the car.

"I'll be here then to pick you up."

I meet Jimmy, two of his friends, and one of the friend's girlfriends on the golf course. I know zero about golf, but there's no denying the fact that this massive, manicured course is something spectacular.

Jimmy and the guys are sporting professional golf attire, dressed in polos and khaki shorts, golf gloves, and visors, and the girlfriend is in a matching tennis skirt and polo sleeveless shirt. I'm pretty sure she's not playing and just wants to look the part.

"You made it," Jimmy remarks with a grin on his face.

"Yup, like I said I would," I tell him.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that Jimmy offered me this job, but I won't forget how he treated me a few weeks ago, and I'm not going to start acting overly nice to him.

Jimmy looks at his friends before looking back at me and pointing his thumb backwards. "You know the guys, right?"

Besides the fact that they were on the Miller High football team, I don't really know them on a personal level.

"We had Calculus together," the dirty-blonde haired guy whose name is Talon speaks up first.

"Mrs. Gerald, 6th period," I confirm, nodding my head.

The one with the longer hair, Chase Reynolds, sticks his hand out to me. "Good to see you again, Remi."

"Likewise," I say.

Brad is next.

"Hey, Remi," he says, before wrapping his hand around his girlfriend's waist. "This is my girlfriend, Gina. She went to Sherman."

"I think we bumped into each other at a party last year," she tells me.

I knew she looked familiar.

"Was it Austin Bishop's birthday party?" I ask.

"Yes!" she exclaims excitedly. Little does she know I crashed that party. Invitation, my ass.

"See, Rem," Jimmy says, moving closer to me and wrapping his hand around my waist, "I knew this was a good idea. Don't even think of it as work. Think of it more as...a hangout."

I situate myself out of his hold, creating some distance between us. "A job's a job, Jimmy."

"Yeah, but don't take yourself too seriously."

"I won't. I'm never one to." I nod my head at the bags that are in the back of the golf cart. "Let me get those for you guys."

"We can do it ourselves, Rem," he tells me otherwise.

"I got it," I assert.

As I make my way over to the vehicle, I start to question Jimmy's intentions. A hangout? I'm not here to 'hang out'. I'm here to earn a paycheck. Earn, as in work for it.

I carry one of the bags on my back as I hold another one in my grip. They're heavy, but I'm strong.

"Remi, that's not necessary," Jimmy says, putting his hand out once I move towards him and his friends. The more he speaks, the more uncomfortable I get. Not to mention, the more doubtful.


The next few hours go by excruciatingly slow. Not because I'm working...quite the opposite, actually.

Since this morning, Jimmy hasn't let me lift one bag or pick up a golf ball. The only thing that he does let me do is drive the golf cart and that's because he insists that it's fun. I'm shocked that he hasn't asked me if I wanted to join in on the game by now.

Once the clock hits 1 pm and their golf day is over, I decide to address Jimmy. He went into the locker room, so I'm waiting for him outside.

I'm looking down at my phone, typing out a text to Brooks, when Jimmy steps out.

"Hey!" he says.

I pick my head up and immediately tuck my phone away, but I notice his eyes curiously trail my hand.

"Hi," I say back. "Got a minute?"

"Of course. Mind walking with me to the restaurant, though? I'm starving."

"Sure," I say, not waiting to get straight to the point. "Can I ask you something?"

He turns to look at me. "Ask away."

"Why'd you ask me to be your caddie?"

His relaxed expression quickly turns into confusion, and his forehead creases. "I thought you were looking for extra money."

"Extra money, yes. But also, extra work," I emphasize.

"Right. That's exactly why I asked you."

"Jimmy," I look at him with a 'c'mon' expression. "I barely lifted a finger today."

"Is that a problem?" he asks as his eyes dart from side-to-side.

"I mean, if you're going to pay me to be your caddie, shouldn't I feel like I'm actually executing the duties of one? Any time I went to grab your golf bag or hand you a club, you insisted on doing it yourself. Is it because you feel bad asking me? You don't think I can do it?" I shake my head out of curiosity. "What?"

"I'm sorry, Rem, I didn't mean to offend you."

"I'm not offended, I'm just confused. If I'm going to get paid for working, then I want to actually do the work."

"You did. You did plenty of work today."

I drop my shoulders down. "Jimmy..."

"What? You did!"

"I don't want you to feel bad about asking me to do something when I agreed to take on the job."

Jimmy looks at me with a mix of sympathy and understanding. I don't want the sympathy part, the understanding I'll gladly take.

"You're right, Rem," he nods. "I apologize."

I half-smile at him, then shake my head once. "Nothing to apologize for, Jimmy. I just want to make sure that we're on the same page, that's all."

He opens his arms out wide, looking for an embrace. "We're on the same page," he says, smiling at me, before going in for a hug. I keep it short because something about the embrace doesn't feel right.

"Where are you heading now?" he asks me once I pull back.

"I'm meeting Brooks at the beach."

"As in Caldwell?" he asks, stunned.


He nods slowly, taking me in with his eyes. "I heard you two have been spending time together. Wish I could say that I was surprised, but I'm not."

I'm trying to decipher whether his comment was a dig or not. But then I press my lips together and nod. "I'll see you later, Jimmy."

Under the Stars (Sequel to Across the Pond)Where stories live. Discover now