Taking Chances

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I walk into my kitchen to find my jacket. I see it on the couch. I walk to the counter and grab the stool. I step on it and grab a box of pop tarts. I pop two in the toaster. I put my stuff in my bag while I wait.

I hear a knock on my door. "HOLLUP!" I shout towards whoever is at the door. They pop up and I take a paper towel and place them in a bag. I put the bag in my mouth as I grab my house keys and walk out the house. I see Coop and Spencer on my steps. I take out a pop tart. "Let's go."

"Wait the Billy Baker?" "Beverly Hills?" Me and Coop ask. "Crazy huh?" "Yeah man, you told your mom?" She asks. "Nah you know how she gets." "I'm telling you the woman don't play man." She states. "I'd tell her before your forced to eat mayonnaise sandwiches tonight," I state. They chuckle.

"Man, what is it with white people and mayonnaise?" "I don't know?" She responds looking at a girl's ass. "Damn Shassy that booty lookin juicy." "Sometimes I'm embarrassed to know you two," I state. "What?" "Coop those girls roll wit Shawn. You really wanna play like that?"

Shawn Scott. Ex-boyfriend. Secret baby daddy. "Listen that weak ass wanna-be gangbanger can't touch me." "Plus we got you for back-up anyway." He shoves my shoulder. "Don't touch me like that." "Why? What you gonna do? What? What?" I punch him in the arm as the bell rings.

I come from the bathroom and see Coop and Shawn. They're arguing. I start walking towards them. "HEY!" I shout. I step in front of her. "This ain't got nun to do wit you Gemini." "She's my friend so ya it does. There's no way you're going to fight Coop over some guarra(slut)." I state. He looks down at me.

"What'd you call me?" She asks placing a hand on her hip. "A slut. Do something about I dare you." I warn. "Now you." I look at Shawn. "Back the hell up," I state. "Or do you want a reminder of what happens when you mess with me?" I ask. He stares into my eyes.

"HEY!" Spencer shoves Shawn back from us. "What's up? You beat up females now Shawn?" "Female my ass. She-man more like it." He shoved him into the locker and all hell breaks loose. A cop runs over and breaks it up. I look at Shawn. I move my eyes toward the restroom.

I walk to the bathroom and wait. He walks in and locks the door. "Seriously? I thought I told you not to mess with my friends." "She was messin' wit, my girl." He says leaning against the wall.

"Shawn please you don't even like her. She nothin but a hump and dump to you, they all are." "Don't talk about her like that!" He says walking up to me. "Or else what? You can't do anything to me even if you wanted to." I state. "Because that would mean lying to Maya." "You chose this you wanted to break up with me. You left her." He states. "Everythin I do is to protect her! And dont you dare try to say I don't love her. I had to. Look at what you doin' gangbangin'? Shawn really? After what happened to Brandon? You really want to get yourself killed?" I ask narrowing my eyes. "I can't watch you kill yourself, Shawn..." I say looking at the ground. He takes my hand. "You ain't gotta worry about me, mama. I'm good." He leans down. "No. As much as I want to we can't not while you a blood." "She misses you." He states.

He sighs. "I don't have a choice here G." "Neither do I. Okay but right now. The only thing that makes my life worth living is knowing that she's safe. Now is she?" I ask. He looks at the ceiling gripping the sink. "Shawn! Is Maya safe?" He looks down at me. "Ya. Ya, she's safe." "Good." The bell rings. "Leave Coop and Spencer alone. I mean it." I walk out the bathroom.

I get home and see Mom sitting at the table. "Hey, Mami." I smile. She sighs. "What?" "Grace called. She said Spencer got accepted into Beverly High." "She found out? What'd she say?" I ask. "She said he's going." I hum as I place my bag down. "But only if you go too." I stop. "What?" "Coach Baker agreed to the terms after seeing your academic scores. He says you both qualify for a scholarship." She states. "Wait what? Mom, you can't honestly be thinking-" "that you should go. Yes, I am. This a great opportunity for you." She states. "Mom I'm not going to some school for privileged assholes that have everything handed to them on a silver platter." "Gem,"

"No! What if something happens to you while I'm gone?" "I do not care what happens to me Mija. I hate seeing you out on the streets like this. I just want you to be safe." She exclaims. "If sending you to a school with boring rich kids who can give you the benefits you need keeps you safe. Then so be it." "Mami..." she takes my head into her hands. "If you love something let it go. And I love you." "I love you too." "Besides if this all works out you could be with Maya again." I smile.

"Okay. I'll do it. I'll go to Beverly." "Good. I already signed the papers." My eyes wide. "Mami!" "I knew I could convince you." She laughs.

Head Bitch In Charge(Jordan Baker)Where stories live. Discover now