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Leah was now backstage at the K-CON ready to go on stage any moment. She was opening the show and was quite nervous and excited at the same time.
The reunion the day before had gone really well , with Evie running to hug her and then going to say hi to 7 uncles while Felix quickly captured Leah into a kiss soon as she was within his reach. Jeongin who was holding Evie at the moment quickly hid her face in his shoulder . The rest of the evening they all gathered in Leah's room which was the biggest among the 9 rooms and spend the evening together telling stories about their time apart, ordering room service and cooing over Evelyn's antics


S. Mngr: Leah your up.

With that confirmation she entered the stage lift which shot her up on to the stage and the intro music to Twice Momo's new solo song began and Leah started dancing. Momo wasn't able to perform that day due to an injury so Leah had decided to perform Momo's song as a small gift .

Once the song ended she danced to 2 more songs before her performance ended and she walked backstage where Twice and ENHYPEN where getting their final touch up done since next was ENHYPEN after The Boyz who were currently performing and Twice was going to perform after them.

Agn: hey Momo eonnie I hope you liked the small gift .

Momo: I loved it thank you. You did justice to my song and u couldn't be happier. Now go Evie will be waiting for you .

Jw: (bows) hi noona. Your performance was really nice .

Leah quickly bowed back before speaking.

Agn: ahh thank you. I'll be watching your performance. Good luck .

Nk: thank you noona.

Agn: your welcome. Now if you excuse me I need to get to my .... I meant I need to get out of my dress

Hs: um if you were talking about the little Indian girl who ran into our dressing searching for her mumma then don't worry your secret is safe with us.

Agn: shit how did she get in your dressing room I had told one of the staff to watch her. Also it would be really great if you could keep this between us.

Jak: don't worry our lips are sealed . But she is really cute. How old is she ?

Agn: she turned 3 recently.

Hs: oh ...

Agn: ya .. and yes I know I had very young , but if I get a chance to go back in time I won't change anything. She was and is a blessing in my life .

Soon as she stopped speaking her phone rang and she saw it was Felix so she quickly picked up


Agn: ya lix ?

Fel: could you come here quickly , Evie getting fuzzy and keep asking to see you

Agn: ahh sorry I'll be there in a minute.

Fel: don't say sorry. It's ok she is not just your responsibility.

With that Leah quickly said her byes and quick ran to her dressing room where Felix and Evie was waiting .

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