Chapter 4: Pursuit

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In the dense forest just outside Dun Morogh, Kardel and Utih pressed forward, determined to track down the elusive Goblin Techies who had managed to slip away from them in the aftermath of the chaos. The trees loomed overhead, their branches casting long shadows as the duo ventured deeper into the wilderness.

The forest was a stark contrast to the snowy landscape of Dun Morogh, with its lush foliage and the melodic sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. The air was tinged with a sense of mystery and anticipation, as Kardel and Utih navigated the undergrowth, their eyes scanning for any signs of their quarry.

Utih's sharp senses were attuned to even the faintest of disturbances, his years of experience honing his instincts. "Keep yer eyes peeled, Kardel," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the forest. "These goblins are slippery, but we'll nae let 'em elude us."

Kardel nodded, his grip on his rifle tightening. "Aye, Utih, we'll find 'em, one way or another. Can't let these wee troublemakers wreak havoc unchecked."

As they moved deeper into the forest, the duo came across traces of goblin activity. Broken branches, scorch marks on tree trunks, and the lingering scent of explosives were telltale signs that the Goblin Techies had passed through the area.

"The trail leads this way," Kardel observed, crouching down to examine a set of fresh footprints. "We're on the right track, Utih."

Utih nodded, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Good eye, lad. Let's follow their trail and show 'em the consequences o' their recklessness."

With renewed vigor, Kardel and Utih forged ahead, their pursuit intensifying with each passing moment. They pushed through the thick underbrush, relentless in their determination to bring the Goblin Techies to justice.

As they advanced, the forest grew eerily silent, the usual sounds of wildlife fading into the background. A sense of foreboding hung in the air, signaling that they were drawing closer to their quarry.

Suddenly, a low rumbling sound echoed through the forest, followed by a series of muffled explosions in the distance. Kardel and Utih exchanged a glance, their senses heightened. They quickened their pace, following the sounds and drawing closer to the source of the commotion.

Emerging from a dense thicket, Kardel and Utih found themselves in a small clearing. The ground was littered with the remnants of goblin contraptions and scorched earth, evidence of recent explosive activity.

As they pressed on, a faint rustling sound caught their attention. The goblins were near. Kardel signaled to Utih to proceed with caution. The two dwarves moved silently, their footsteps barely making a sound on the forest floor.

Suddenly, a mischievous voice echoed through the trees. "Hey, look who's here! The little dwarves thought they could catch us!" Squee, the leader of the Goblin Techies, taunted.

Kardel scowled and exchanged a knowing glance with Utih. They were familiar with the goblins' playful taunts. Squee always had a knack for pushing their buttons.

Spleen, one of the Goblin Techies, chimed in. "Hey, hey, hey! Guess what we found, Squee? Something shiny and explosive! Wanna see it in action?"

Utih narrowed his eyes, his voice laced with authority. "Put that down, goblin. Ye're outnumbered, and we won't hesitate to put an end to yer mischief."

Squee grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "How are we outnumbered?! Last I checked three is still greater than two! It is you guys who are outnumbered."

Spleen, with a sly grin, held up a small detonator in his hand. "Behold the power of goblin engineering! One push o' this button, and kaboom!"

Kardel and Utih approached cautiously, their weapons at the ready. "Enough with yer tricks, goblins," Kardel growled. "Ye've caused enough trouble. It's time to face the consequences."

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