Chapter 5: A Desperate Bargain

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Utih and Kardel stood over the defeated and bound goblins, their expressions hardened by the weight of justice. The goblins, now powerless, pleaded for a chance to cooperate, their voices filled with desperation.

Squee, the goblin leader, strained against his restraints. "Wait! We can help you! Spare our lives, and we'll reveal what little we know. We were just pawns in a bigger game."

Utih's eyes narrowed as he considered the goblin's plea. "Cooperation doesn't absolve yer crimes, but if ye can provide any useful information, it might sway the Sentinel's judgment."

Kardel, still vigilant, approached Squee cautiously. "Ye best be tellin' the truth, goblin. We won't tolerate deception. Start talkin'."

Squee took a deep breath, his voice tinged with desperation. "All we know is that we were contacted by an intermediary, a masked figure. They hired us to cause chaos and sow discord. We don't know much about their true identity or their motivations."

Utih's grip on his axe tightened, his voice filled with frustration. "So ye're tellin' us ye don't even know who hired ye? How can we trust a bunch of goblins who are clueless?"

Squee lowered his gaze, his voice barely a whisper. "We were desperate, easy to manipulate. We were promised riches and power. That's all we know."

Kardel exchanged a glance with Utih, their determination unyielding. "If this is all ye have to offer, then ye're of little use to us. But mark my words, goblins, justice will be served. We won't rest until we uncover the truth behind this plot."

The defeated goblins, still bound and under close guard, were brought along as Utih and Kardel continued their journey towards the port of the ships going towards Kalimdor. The dwarves knew that the goblins, despite their limited knowledge, might still provide some insight or lead them to more answers.

The journey was long and arduous, with tension hanging in the air. The goblins, their spirits dampened and their freedom stripped away, traveled in silence. Utih and Kardel remained vigilant, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

As they approached the Sentinel's camp, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The goblins, now captives, were about to face the consequences of their actions, and the dwarves were one step closer to uncovering the truth behind the attack on their village.

Utih and Kardel led the bound and defeated goblins on a five-day journey from the land of the dwarves towards the port of the ships going towards Kalimdor, as the Alliance camp is located in Daranassus. The goblins, now reduced to captives, trudged along under the watchful eyes of their captors.

The journey was grueling, as the group navigated treacherous terrain, battled through harsh weather conditions, and encountered various obstacles along the way. The goblins pleaded for mercy and a chance to prove their cooperation, while the dwarves remained cautious, their resolve unyielding.

During the third day of their journey, the group found themselves deep within a dense forest. The towering trees blocked out much of the sunlight, casting an eerie gloom over the surroundings. Utih and Kardel kept a watchful eye, knowing danger could lurk in every shadow.

Suddenly, a guttural roar echoed through the trees, chilling the group to the bone. The ground trembled as a group of hulking trolls burst through the underbrush, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

Utih and Kardel's hearts sank as they realized they were greatly outnumbered. With the forest trolls overshadowing them, the two dwarves braced themselves for the ensuing battle, their weapons at the ready. The goblins, still bound and helpless, watched the impending clash with a mix of fear and desperation.

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