Chapter 10: Stratholme's Forlorn Hope

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The uneasy coalition advanced, the Eastern Plaguelands unfurling its grim tableau before them. Captain Illyndria's white tiger moved with a fluid grace, its every step resonating with power. Kardel Sharpeye, flanked by the Goblin Techies, followed, the tension in the air thickening as the outskirts of Stratholme came into view.

The distant cries of the undead seemed to intensify as they approached a small pocket of human settlement-a fragile haven in the midst of the desolation. Dilapidated structures stood as silent witnesses to the relentless onslaught, the very fabric of life unraveling under the weight of the Scourge.

Captain Illyndria, her eyes narrowing with concern, gestured for the group to halt. The elven archers took positions, their arrows notched and ready, while the goblin trio cracked their knuckles, anticipating the explosive performance ahead.

Kardel surveyed the beleaguered settlement, his keen eyes catching glimpses of human survivors scurrying about, desperately fortifying their defenses. The air buzzed with an undercurrent of fear, a palpable reminder of the relentless menace that loomed.

"Listen up," Captain Illyndria's voice cut through the ominous quiet. "This settlement is the frontline against the Scourge. Our mission is to bolster their defenses and push back the undead forces. Kardel, find a vantage point. You're our eyes. Goblin Techies, keep those explosives ready but for the love of Elune, use them judiciously."

The group dispersed with a shared sense of purpose. Kardel ascended to a dilapidated tower, the wooden steps groaning under his weight. From this vantage point, the scope of the peril became starkly evident. Undead masses lurked on the outskirts, their aimless yet malevolent movements like a shadowy tide awaiting its cue to engulf the living.

Squee, Spleen, and Spoon, under Captain Illyndria's skeptical gaze, set about fortifying the settlement with their unique brand of explosive expertise. The goblins chattered among themselves, their glee undiminished by the gravity of the situation.

Kardel peered through the crosshairs of his Boomstick, his sharp eyes scanning the horizon. The first wave of undead approached, a macabre parade of skeletal warriors, ghastly specters, and lumbering abominations.

"Undead incoming!" Kardel's voice carried a sharp urgency as he relayed the warning to Captain Illyndria and the others.

Below, amidst the hustle of fortifying the settlement, the Goblin Techies were at work. Barrels of dynamite, neatly arranged in a line, formed a makeshift barricade in the path of the advancing undead.

Squee, with a mischievous glint in his eye, grinned at Kardel. "Hey, sharpshooter! Watch and learn as we turn these bony blokes into a symphony of explosions!"

Kardel rolled his eyes but couldn't help but be curious about the goblins' explosive spectacle. "Just make sure you don't blow up the entire settlement while you're at it!"

Spleen, gleefully attaching a fuse to a barrel, chimed in. "Don't you worry, Kardel! Our explosions are like a delicate dance-destructive yet oddly elegant."

Spoon, the most pragmatic of the trio, nodded in agreement. "He's right. It's all about finesse."

As the undead drew nearer, the Goblin Techies finished their explosive arrangement. Squee dusted off his hands, looking far too pleased with their handiwork.

"All set!" Squee announced, patting Kardel on the back. "Now, let the fireworks begin!"

Captain Illyndria, overhearing the exchange, shot the goblins a skeptical glance. "Just ensure your 'fireworks' don't jeopardize the mission. We're not here for a goblin pyrotechnics show."

Squee saluted dramatically. "Captain, worry not! Our explosions are precision incarnate. We've calculated the trajectory, factored in the wind speed-"

Spleen interrupted with a snicker. "And we've triple-checked the fuse lengths. We're professionals, you know."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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