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"You were abandoned by the one person you thought you had," Ms Grey said as she sat back in the chair in her office

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"You were abandoned by the one person you thought you had," Ms Grey said as she sat back in the chair in her office. "You're going to have to talk about it eventually, Caleb, it's not good to keep everything inside your head."

Caleb could not believe that instead of sitting in chemistry with Peter he was actually sitting in an uncomfortable chair in the guidance counselor's office, listening to her ramble on about his feelings and problems. It was beyond irritating, just hearing her talk about his personal life as if she knew everything about it; she didn't.

He wasn't even sure why he was there, because he didn't have anything to talk about anymore. For once, Caleb actually felt as if he was doing sort of okay, and it just seemed unnecessary to bring up all of the bad things again.

Sure, he had lost his mom just over three years and in that his step-dad had practically done everything he could to send him off to New York so that wasn't his problem anymore. And when his actual dad had him, he also left him only a few months ago, but he didn't see why the school thought he needed these weird type of cheap therapy sessions every week.

It's not like this was going to help him anyways, if he was going to talk to anyone, it most definitely wasn't going to be the under-qualified teacher who couldn't care less about his problems. Caleb didn't talk to anyone about his life, but if he did he would confide in someone he actually trusted.

Caleb shrugged, "There's really nothing for me to talk about," he lied. "I'm doing really good, I don't even miss my dad at all," another lie.

News flash: Caleb really missed his dad.

"Hon, you can keep saying that to me as much as you want but eventually you're going to have to face your real feelings," she leaned forward. "I know it's tough, but you can trust me, Caleb."

She was probably the last person he would ever trust with his thoughts, Caleb wouldn't ever tell her anything real, just stupid lies that he knew she wanted to hear. If it would get her off his back, he honestly couldn't care less.

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